Chapter 69

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Boys were sitting on the auditorium and no one was daring to say anything. Because of few boys having their bones broken, principal called the ambulance, and of course the police came with ambulance too. A few cops were in the auditorium too and talking to coach and principal. Alec could feel how Bryce and his puppies were looking at him but he didn't care, he should've beaten him harder. Magnus was sitting next to Alec and he was holding an ice bag in his hand and sometimes he was pressing it on his face. Every inch of Alec's body was hurting, especially his lip, because Bryce punched him there very hard.

-You okay?-Alec asked with worried voice when he saw hurt on Magnus's face.

-Are you seriously asking me that? What were you thinking? You can get kicked out from the team, or worse, you could've gotten seriously hurt.-Magnus said with worried and confused and upset voice and looked at Alec with sadness in his eyes.-And why are you worried about me anyways? I broke your heart, I made a promise to Hannah that I wouldn't talk to you again.

-I care about you because you're the love of my life. Yes, you broke my heart and it hurts like hell, but it won't stop me from loving you or caring about you. And about that promise, staying away from me won't fix what is already fucked up. It might be hard but I don't want to lose you, Magnus. Just because us being together didn't work out, I don't want to lose a person like you. We can stay friends, right?-Alec whispered and he couldn't believe what he just said.-And about making a promise to Hannah, I made a promise to her too that I wouldn't beat the shit out of Bryce, but here we are now. So... Can we try to stay as friends?

-I... I don't know, Alexander, I really don't know. I know you didn't forgive me but even if you do in near of far future, I will never be able to forgive myself. Hell, how am I supposed to forgive myself that I cheated on one person that I love most in this world?! Yes, I was drunk, I was high and I was hurting but it's still not enough reason to cheat. I'm a horrible person, I don't even know how you can even look or talk to me right now.-Magnus whispered and Alec felt tears behind his eyelids when he heard hurt in Magnus's voice.

-Magnus, you are not horrible person. Yes, you made a mistake, a terrible one but it doesn't make you a horrible person...-Alec whispered and wiped away his tears.

-Yes, I am. And deep down you know that.-This was the last thing Magnus said before walking out from the auditorium with cop to answer some questions. Alec sighed sadly and asked coach if he could go to the bathroom, then Alec got up and walked out. After a few minutes, he was going back to the auditorium, when he heard footsteps from behind.

-What the fuck was that, Lightwood?!-It was Bryce. Alec looked at him with confused face, because he knew that coach wouldn't let him leave the room until Alec was there.-I sneaked out, but not to talk about that. Why the hell did you start fight?!

-You know why I started it. I knew you were a dick, but I had no idea that you were capable of doing a such a thing.-Alec said with disgusted voice and now, Bryce was looking him with confused face.-Don't look at me like that! You know what I'm talking about!

-Sorry, but I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.-Bryce laughed and Alec could feel how angry he was getting again. Alec rolled his eyes and started walking closer to him.

-You know very goddamned well why I started the fight. But if your fucked up mind has forgotten I will remind you. You raped my best friend. You broke her when she was already hurt him and because of that she almost killed herself. Do you hear me?! You almost took my best friend from me, the one person I trust most in this world! But wait, you really did take her away from me, because no matter how hard I'll try, she will never be the same. She will never forget your weight on top of her, or how you were pushing inside of her when all she wanted was you to leave her alone. So, remember this... I will take you down. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but when Hannah is ready, I will be by her side when she tells police that you raped her, I will be there when cops arrest you and throw you in the jail cell for thirteen years. You will be there and think that despite everything you did to innocent girl, she still moves on, she still has friends and she has a love of her life. And you, will rot in jail cell, alone, realizing that no one loves you, no one ever will and that you are lonely in this world, rapist.

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