Chapter 65

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Alec was sitting on the couch and watching the TV which was turned off. When he woke up, he was alone. He looked for Hannah in the whole house but he couldn't find her anywhere. He texted her a few times, asking where she was, and when he looked in the mirror, he was shocked by how his eyes were red and swollen. Alec sighed sadly and tried to ignore the pain he was feeling in his heart. He went to kitchen and tried to find something to eat, but the fridge was empty like always. After a few minutes of searching, he found a chocolate in the back of the fridge. It was probably Max's but that didn't stop Alec from eating it, he would buy it to him later. Alec walked back to the couch and before he could realize, he started thinking about Magnus. Their dates, their silly or deep talks, how terrified they were when school shooting happened, their first time. How Alec was so scared that he would hurt Magnus, how Magnus almost started laughing because of Alec's terrified faces, how amazing that night was.

After a while, Alec started thinking about their first date. He had no idea where to take Magnus, so he asked everyone he could think of: Izzy, Maryse, Quinn, Hannah. In the end, he took Magnus where Hannah told him to, that was the best idea.

Alec also started remembering how he hated being in New York last month, how he wanted to be with Magnus. He couldn't wait to return home but now that he thinks about it, maybe it would be better to stay in New York for a few days, he would find out about Magus and Steve later. Alec came back to reality when he felt wetness on his cheeks and he heard knock on the door. It was already eight pm so Alec thought that outside Izzy, Max and Maryse were but when he opened the door, he saw Hannah with McDonalds bag in her hands.

-Nothing can heal the broken heart more than food, right?-She said with sad smile on her face. Alec chuckled and walked aside so she could go inside.-Izzy called me. She said that Luke wanted to talk to Maryse and they went to his house, they will be back in few hours.

-What do you got there?-Alec said and he almost got inside the bag. Hannah laughed and gave Alec a Big Mac, big fries and coke. Alec looked at her with are-you-serious-right-now face when she took her salad from her bag.-Are you... oh my god.

-What? That will kill you one day, you know?

-Are you kidding me? You got salad from McDonalds, I mean, McDonalds, the place where people make Big Macs.-Alec said and started eating his fries.

-Are you fat-shaming my salad, Mr. Lightwood?-Hannah asked with offended voice.

-No, Mrs. Baker, I'm just telling the truth. At least, this truth doesn't hurt very much.-Alec said sadly and looked down on his food. Hannah sighed and after a few minutes of silence, she told Alec that she went to see Magnus.-Just one question... Is he still alive? Or did you kill him?

-Oh my god, I'm don't want to kill him, what is wrong with you people?-Hannah said with surprised voice but gave up when Alec gave him a "bullshit" look.-Okay, I do want to kill him for hurting you and I thought that he didn't deserve or love you after what he did, but then he said something and I kind of felt bad for him...

-What? What did he say?-Alec asked.

-He... He said that the from the day on, he would stay away from you because everything he does just breaks your heart... I'm sorry, I kind of yelled at him that he didn't deserve your love or you and then he said that... Are you mad?-Hannah was talking very fast, Alec almost couldn't hear what she was saying.-I told him that staying away from you wouldn't fix anything...

-Yeah, it won't. Despite everything he has done, including breaking my heart a few times, I still don't want him out of my life. He is the love of my life, nothing will change that. Even though, I'm trying to forget him, it doesn't work and I know it never will. We have same friends, we go to same school, we will still see each other no matter what, in classes, in cafeteria, in Glee club.-Alec said and looked at Hannah with teary eyes.-There is only one way to change this...

-What? What do you mean? Change what?-Hannah asked with confused tone.

-The only way not to see Magnus in school is if I go somewhere else... Another school, like Dalton.-Alec said but he got worried when he saw Hannah's expression.-What's wrong?

-Please don't go.-Hannah cried.-Alec, please... I need to tell you something... 

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