Chapter 30

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Magnus moaned more loudly, so did Alec, but they suddenly lowed their voices. The air around them got very hot when Alec slipped his hand in Magnus's pants. He placed it on Magnus's ass and Magnus bit his lip to hold back moan, when Alec squeezed his ass. They broke the kiss and Alec looked at Magnus, whose eyes were full of lust.

-Are you really sure? We don't have to rush things...-Alec said with low, and very sexy voice.

-Yes. I'm more than sure.-Magnus managed to choke out these five words. Alec smiled when he realized how Magnus was trusting him to let him this close. Alec slipped his hand, carefully, in Magnus's underwear and he moaned loudly when Alec's hand brushed over his member.

-Are you okay, babe?-Before Alec could stop himself, he said the last word, which caused Magnus to open his eyes and smile softly. Alec took Magnus's hard member in his hand and felt how his, and Magnus's breath got loud and quick. They started kissing again and Alec started stroking his boyfriend's member up and down, slowly. After a few seconds, Alec broke the kiss but only to start kissing and sucking Magnus's neck.

-Oh my... Ahhhh.-Magnus didn't even think about not to let a loud moan. He just couldn't hold back anymore. Alec smiled while continuing kissing Magnus's neck and stroking his member up and down.-Alexander, I can't ho... hold back anymore. I'm...

-It's okay. You can cum.-Alec whispered sweetly in Magnus's ear. Magnus moaned loudly, once again and came on Alec's hand. Alec pulled his hand out of Magnus's pants and went to bathroom, which was in Magnus's bedroom, to clean his hand. Magnus was still lying on the bed and he just couldn't open his eyes. He still couldn't believe what has happened but it was... amazing. He thought that he could never let anyone that close, but Alec managed to do it. At that moment, Magnus was sure that he just didn't like Alec.

-Are you okay?-Suddenly Alec returned to the room and got worried when he saw that Magnus was still lying on the bed, with still his eyes closed.

-Of course.-Magnus smiled and opened his eyes. Alec sighed in relief and walked closer to him.

-We still have thirty minutes, I think it's better for you to shower. Unless, you want to come to school like that.-Alec smirked and looked at Magnus's lower area. He rolled his eyes, but still smiled and got up. Magnus got very close to Alec, he thought that Magnus was going to kiss him because their lips were millimeters away, but Magnus smiled wickedly and ran into the bathroom, leaving Alec confused and disappointed. Alec was lying on the bed and going through his phone for fifteen minutes, while Magnus was showering. Izzy asked him where was he, but Alec lied that he was with Hannah. Even Izzy knew that he was lying, because she was in Hannah's bedroom, she didn't say anything. Alec and Magnus wanted to keep everything secret after their first date and admitting their feeling for each other. Alec was still not talking to Jace and Chris, but he was still in team. A big game and Regionals were coming in few days and it was scaring the crap out of Alec and Magnus and everyone, even Mr. Schue.

-Bored?-Magnus asked suddenly and Alec almost started drooling when he saw that Magnus wasn't wearing anything, he only had a towel on his waist. Alec looked away before he could get hard again. Magnus smiled and put on his shirt and leather pants on.

-Magnus, you're going to be late!-Julia shouted and knocked on the door again. Alec was to busy staring at Magnus ass, that he didn't even start worrying about that. After a long goodbye kiss, like they weren't going to see each other at school, Alec jumped from the window.

-What was going on there?!-Julia asked when Magnus went into the kitchen. He looked at her like he had no idea what she was talking about. Was he that loud?-Were you masturbating?

-JESUS CHRIST, MOM! WHAT THE HELL?! -Magnus shouted when he realized what Julia has said. He left the house and ran to the school. He saw Izzy and Alec waiting for him.

-Am I dreaming or is that Lightwood siblings?-Suddenly Izzy and Alec stopped.

-STEVE?!-They shouted together and turned around. Magnus had no idea who was that guy.

-Yeah it me Alec, don't cream your pants. Hey, Izzy.-Steve said with big smile and walked into the school. Magnus was still confused and Alec explained that Steve was a big douchebag back in New York. He was also Izzy's idiot ex. Truth be told, idiot or not, he was a hella hot.

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