Chapter 58

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It has been a month after Magnus's and Alec little argument about something very meaningless. New Directions won Regionals and football team won the most important game of their lives. After competition, Mr. Schue told the club that jury was shocked by their performance, but especially by Magnus's. They said that he was singing with all of his heart and soul and everyone knew why he was like that. It was already late and after putting the trophy on its place, Magnus and Alec told everyone that they had to talk and stayed in the choir room. Magnus explained to Alec the reason why he was angry. Not because he didn't trust him, he does trust him with all of his heart, because he was afraid to lose him. After everything he has been through, it was terrifying to him to think that he would lose the most important person in his life. Alec was still a little bit hurt be he start thinking about how he would feel if he would've seen Magnus kissing another boy, who has a crush on him. After a few minutes of silence, Alec decided to forgive Magnus. What was the point of being angry at the person who you lose so much? He could see in Magnus's eyes that he was truly sorry, like were Izzy, Jace and Quinn.

At the football game, Magnus was acting like he knew everything about football. Actually, he was shouting when Simon and Sebastian would do it. Clary and Maryse were sitting next to them with Max, Kit and Ty, while Alec, Jace, Chris and boys were running on the field and girls were doing their cheerio stuff. When they won, Alec couldn't believe that he would go to Los Angeles because of another the most important game. This game was important because this was a way for a football player to get their scholarship and go to college.

In the locker room, Alec saw how Jace were talking to others very angrily about something. Alec tried to listen but he heard only those words – She, not find out. Alec wasn't very dumb and he realized that they were talking about Clary. He tried to make Jace say somethings about that little fight but he was acting like he had no idea what Alec was talking about. Alec only told him one thing before dropping the subject.

-Don't break her heart. No one deserves to get heart broken by the person they love.

In the end of December, Maryse told siblings that they would go to New York for Christmas. They couldn't understand why she decided that, but then she told them that Robert needed a help with something and she didn't want to leave her children alone. Alec tried to convince her that he would be alright alone for a few weeks, but Maryse demanded that they would go to New York for Christmas. Magnus texted Alec in few hours that he wanted to see him. Alec sighed and decided to tell Magnus about leaving for three weeks. It was already a holiday break, so it would affect on his schoolwork.

When Alec got to Magnus's house, he figured out that his boyfriend was alone home. He walked to his bedroom and he was completely shocked when he saw that all the lights were almost off in his room and there were a few candles there. Alec looked at Magnus, who was sitting on the bed confused. He smiled and walked to Alec, he told him that he was ready to take a next step. Alec smiled happily when he realized that Magnus was really trusting him.

When they were finished, they cuddled a lot. Then Alec felt guilty that Magnus didn't know about him leaving yet, so he got up and went to the kitchen with Magnus. He made a coffee for them and told Magnus worriedly that he was leaving in a few days. At first, Magnus was shocked but then said that his friend was living there and he could stay with him. Alec called Maryse to ask her about Magnus going with them, but before he could say that, she said that Julia had an accident and she wanted them to be in hospital. After that she was in coma. Alec wanted to stay with Magnus, but Hannah and Quinn told him that they would take care of him and Alec needed to go and help his dad with his drug addiction.

When not having Alec and Julia by his side became more painful then Magnus could realize, he did something that he wasn't proud of. Actually, he was disgusted by himself.

Magnus was sitting on the sofa, thinking how to look in Alec's eyes, when there was a knock.

-Surprise!-Alec shouted when Magnus opened the door. He wasn't supposed to return for another week. Alec walked inside and hugged Magnus tightly, who was still in shock.

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