Chapter 37

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No one was daring to say anything.

There was absolute quiet in the room.

Everyone was afraid that if they would say anything, someone that had a gun would storm into the room and kill everyone. Only thing, Alec could hear was sobbing and whimpering. No one, not even boys were holding back tears. There was no sound for ten minutes, and Alec already started thinking about leaving the choir room and go to look for Magnus, his sister and friends, even though he knew that Mr. Schue would never let him.

-Where are you?-Alec whispered and continued texting Magnus, asking where he was, was he safe, was he with Izzy of Hannah. Suddenly, someone shouted in the hallway.

-NO, NO! PLEASE!-And then, there was a gunshot. Alec and Quinn immediately recognized boy's voice, so did Finn and Puck. Quinn started crying loudly and there was only one way to calm her, but Alec didn't believe himself that Chris was okay. So, only thing he could do, was to cover her mouth with his hand and let tears make the way down on his cheek. After a few seconds, there was a bang on the door. But it wasn't like someone wanted to get there to harm someone, Alec knew that it was Chris. Deep down he knew it was him.

-Alec! Alec, what are you doing?!-Mr. Schue shouted and whispered at the same time, when Alec started getting closer to the door, but he was still on his knees, so the shooter wouldn't see him through the glass on the doors.-ALEC!

-That psycho shot Chris right behind this door! Please, Mr. Schue, I know my best friend's voice, it was him! Please...-Alec whispered and everything got blurry because of the tears in his eyes.

-We can't open the door, it can be a trap. Look at them, Alec. Look how scared they are, we can not open the door.-Mr. Schue said and while saying the last sentence, his voice broke, because he knew that if he wouldn't open the door right now, the young boy behind it would die. He trusted Alec and he knew that he was right, but he still couldn't risk eight kid's life. He was in thoughts and he didn't notice, how close Alec got to the door. He looked through the glass that was on the door and when he was sure that it was only Chris, lying on the floor of the hallway and there was no freak with gun there, he opened the door and tried to be as quiet as possible.

-Al... Alec.-Chris said with low voice and looked Alec with hope in his eyes. Alec almost had a heart attack when he saw how much blood was his best friend loosing.

-Go inside!-Mr. Schue demanded and almost threw Alec inside. Then he looked in the hallway and walked there slowly, he couldn't leave this poor boy there, he had to do everything in his power to save him. Mr. Schue whispered that everything was going to be okay, even though he didn't believe that himself, and looked at boy's wound. He was shot close to hip, his white shirt and football jacket were completely red. Mr. Schue took Chris inside the room, he had no idea how, maybe it was because of adrenaline. Finn and Alec helped him sit down on the floor beside them and Quinn, who was continuing sobbing. Alec took of his football jacket and told Quinn to press it on Chris's wound, so he wouldn't bleed that much.

-Who are you texting?-Finn asked Alec, who couldn't text properly because he wouldn't see letters clearly. Alec looked at him and saw how red his eyes were. Of course they were, because he had no idea where his girlfriend and little brother were.

-Magnus and Izzy. I don't know where's Magnus, I haven't seen him today. But I saw Izzy, Hannah and Santana.-Alec said and looked at Brittany, who was sitting close to Sam and trying to text and find out where her girlfriend was. When she heard her name, he looked at Alec with thankful eyes. At least now she knew where Santana was.-Any word on Rachel? Or Kurt?

-No, nothing.-Finn said and threw his phone on the floor. After closing his eyes, a few tears escaped his eyes.-Who would want to shoot people in fucking school?!

-I have no idea, but we are going to make out from here. Police is coming, they're going to catch whoever is responsible for all of this. We are going to survive. I just want you to know, that... You all are like children for me, I love you and I will sacrifice my own life to save yours.-Mr. Schue said and these words cause kids to cry even more.

-Do you believe your own words, Mr. Schue? That we will make out from here?-Finn asked.

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