Chapter 28

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Hannah saw standing in front of her locker and was putting books in her bag. She still couldn't believe what happened today, but the thing that broke her heart the most was what Jessica did. Justin broke her heart and to prove that she wasn't bisexual, she lied and said that she was drunk, wasn't thinking straight and sat with Justin and Bryce in the cafeteria, instead of coming out and being comfortable with who she is. Hannah closed the locker door and was going to text Alec that she was going home, because he was on practice and told her that he would walk her to home today. He changed his mind about leaving the football team, thanks to Magnus, of course he wasn't talking to Jace, not after what he called Alec's friends and what he did to one of them. Alec may not be very close with Isak, Lukas, Philip or Evan but they're still his friends and Jace or anyone don't have any right to beat him because of their sexuality.

-Saw the photo of you and Jessica Davis. Damn, it was hot!-Suddenly someone appeared and started looking at Hannah with idiotic smile on his lips.

-What the hell do you want Bryce?!

-I just wanted to tell you that girls like you are a challenge, you just need right guy to straighten you up and I'm just the right guy to do it.-Bryce said and still looked at her with his disgusting, narcissistic smile. Hannah was shocked by his words and before she could say something, girls showed up and started defending her.

-Move your bastard, creeper ass, NOW!-Izzy said with angry voice. She might be here for only few days but she managed to become the most popular girl in school with Unholy Trinity's help.

-Easy, little Lightwood. I'm just trying to make her normal.-Bryce said again.

-She is normal!-Santana and Brittany said together and Hannah smiled gratefully at them.

-It's not our choice idiot, and even if it is, you would be our last choice.-Quinn said with her bossy smile. Girls chuckled because of her sentence.

-Oh I get it!-Bryce said dramatically.-You all a bunch of lesbos.

-So what if we are? You don't stand a chance either way.-Rachel said and a narcissistic smile on Bryce's lips disappeared.-Bye, bye!

-Walk away!-Mercedes said loudly. Bryce looked at them with angry look once again and started walking away. Girls sighed in relief and Hannah looked at them with teary eyes.

-Thank you so much. I honestly don't know what I would do without you.

-Hey, don't cry. You're one of us, you're part of our family. And Bryce is an psychopath, we ignore him but we also stand up for someone who he bullies if it's very necessary.-Quinn said and smiled at her. Before Hannah could thank them again, Finn, Puck and Alec appeared in the hallway. Alec immediately noticed Hannah's red eyes and looked at her with shocked face.

-What happened?! Which dick was it?-He said angrily.

-Jesus, Alec! Language!-Izzy told him and rolled her eyes.-It was Bryce. He was telling her something about straitening up, but we took care of him. He's such a jerk!

-He is, but be careful. He might be jerk and asshole, but he's also a psychopath and he will do anything he want. I hope you know what I'm talking about.-Finn said and held Rachel's hand. Hannah nodded and they started walking to the exit.-You are coming to the bonfire right?

-I don't know. I have to tell my mom what happened today and if she lets me come, I will.-Hannah said and inhaled deeply.-I've been here for only four days. Why would someone do such a thing to me? Or to anyone else?

-Like I told you already, this school is full of homophobic and disgusting people. Maybe you pissed someone off. Or someone who liked you.-Santana said and they walked to the schoolyard.-Where are Tina and Artie by the way?

-He needed a help home because his mom isn't home today, so Tina decided to help him.-Hannah answered.-And I don't think that someone liked me here or I pissed someone that much to make me come out. Especially with that way.

-Maybe it's not about you... Maybe that someone didn't like you, but he or she liked Jessica.-Puck said and everyone stopped walking and looked at each other. Suddenly Alec realized.

-Alex! It has to be Alex, he liked Jessica from the moment he saw her!

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