Chapter 66

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(Trigger warning - sexual assoult)

-Hey, hey, look at me.-Alec said with worried voice when Hannah looked down and continued sobbing.-Calm down, I'm here. Okay? I'm here.

-I... I can't... It hurts. Alec, it hurts.-Hannah cried even more and Alec remembered how he said the same to her a while ago. Even though, Alec had no idea what happened to Hannah while he was away, he knew her best friend, she would tell him when she is ready. Alec sighed sadly and threw his arms around her. Hannah buried her face in Alec's neck and continued crying loudly. After a few minutes of Hannah crying in Alec's neck, she finally calmed down and broke the hug. She dried her eyes and looked at Alec.-I... I need to tell you something but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, not even Izzy and especially not my mom.

-What is going on? Hannah, you can tell me anything, you know that right? I promise I will not tell anyone unless you want me to.-Alec said and placed his hand on Hannah's cheek for comfort her. Hannah nodded and inhaled deeply.

-There are two stories I need to tell you. One about me and Jessica...-Alec frowned when Hannah called her Jessica and not Jess.-Another one is about me and Bryce...

-Bryce... Wh... Sorry, continue.-Alec interrupted but stopped when Hannah looked at him with I-will-kill-you-face. Hannah sighed once again and continued talking.

-Oh, and I also need you to promise me that you won't kill Bryce and Justin tomorrow.-When Alec finally said that he wouldn't kill Bryce and Justin tomorrow, Hannah looked down and continued talking, again.-All of this happened while you were in New York. Remember how I was avoiding you for few days and not answering your calls? That's because I find out that Jessica was still seeing Justin and they even slept together few times.

-WHAT?!-Alec shouted and looked at her with wide eyes.-AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO HER?!

-I know, I tried to talk to her... In fact, we did talk about that and she told me that despite everything, she still oved him, she never stopped. I was very hurt and confused and I asked her why she didn't tell me all that before and she answered that she didn't want me to get hurt and by being with me she was trying to forget Justin and she almost did, but almost. I got even more heartbroken when I realized that she was just using me to forget the pain Justin caused her. I didn't want to listen to her apologizes anymore, so I ran out from the house and after a few minutes of running, started walking and thinking. I didn't stop until I was in front of Bryce's house, there was a party and everyone was there, Jace and Clary, Quinn and Chris, the whole football team and I thought, everything was already fucked up, what could possibly go wrong? So, of course, I went inside. After everyone left, I was waiting for Quinn and Chris to finish... whatever the hell they were doing upstairs so we could go together. I saw reading mine and Jessica's texts when suddenly Bryce showed up. I could tell that he was not only drunk but also high because his eyes were completely red. He started talking to me but I wasn't very on the mood. Before I could realize, he had pushed me down on the couch and he was on top of me...-Hannah said and she started shaking and her voice started to break.-I tried to get him off me but I couldn't... I remember how I wasn't able to breathe because of his weight on top of me. I remember... how unbearable pain felt when he pushed himself inside of me, it was... I... I couldn't wait for Chris and Quinn anymore. I got dressed as soon as possible and left the house. I wasn't talking to anyone for days, not even my mom, no one at school. I felt like I was back in that couch every time I would close my eyes or see Bryce on the hallway. When I thought that I couldn't leave like this anymore, I started thinking about... killing myself. I even have bought the pills but right before taking them, I started thinking about you, my mom, my friends and how much I would hurt them. Even though I felt like I was alone, I knew that I wasn't lonely, I knew that I had you. I even went to talk to Mrs. Lewis but I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. I'm terrified, Alec. I'm terrified of Bryce... But every time you're by my side, I feel like I'm safe. I feel like I'm not back in that couch again. I know I sound selfish to tell you not to go and be in pain every day by seeing Magnus, but... please don't leave me... Please...

-Oh my god...-Alec was shocked by what Hannah said. He couldn't leave her, he wouldn't. He hugged her and whispered in her ear.-I won't leave you, Hannah. Never. I promise.

(So, yeah, i am alive. I wrote this chapter like a week ago but i couldn't post it because we only have one computer and my dad was using it. it sounds like a dumb lie, but it's the truth. Also, the school starts today (It's 7 am and i woke up 1 hour eariler when i could've woken up at 8 to post this chapter) and i will have A LOT of homework and l don't know if i am able to post like i was doing before. Ughh, first day of school, why am I nervious??)

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