Chapter 59

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-Alexander? Wh... what are you doing here?-Magnus said when they broke the hug. He managed to look into Alec's eyes so Alec wouldn't think that something was going on. But something was really going on – Magnus hated himself. He was ashamed of himself.

-Oh, come on. You haven't seen me for weeks and this is what you're asking me?-Alec laughed a little and so did Magnus. He helped his boyfriend to take suitcase and a bag in house and then he locked the door. As soon as he turned around, Alec crashed their lips together. For a second, Magnus forgot the horrible thing he did and placed his hands on Alec's waist to pull him closer. After a few minutes of passionate making out session, they broke the kiss for air. Alec placed his forehead on Magnus's and smiled happily while inhaled deeply.

-I can't believe that I'm with you again. This two weeks without you were torture.-Alec said and Magnus smiled too, but he couldn't look in Alec's eyes anymore, so he looked down on the floor.-Mags, what's wrong? Aren't you happy that I came back?

-What? No, of course I am! It's just... I'm shocked, I didn't expect that.-Magnus said with big smile, even though it was very hard for him to smile. As soon as Alec heard those words, panic in his eyes disappeared and looked Magnus with heart shaped eyes.

-Do you have food? I'm very hungry.-Alec said after a few seconds. Magnus couldn't help but laugh a little. Alec looked at him with puppy eyes and yelled "yey" like five years old when Magnus took his hand and took him in the kitchen. Magnus looked in the fridge and figured out that there was nothing there. He heard how Alec sighed and started acting like a child again.

-We are going to order pizza.-Magnus said and took his phone out from his pocket. He ordered the pizza and he was about to turn around to look at Alec, when suddenly he felt his hands on his hips and Alec's breath on his neck. Magnus moaned when Alec started kissing his neck.

-And what are we going to do before pizza arrives?-Alec said with low voice a made Magnus turn around to look at him. Alec smirked and crashed their lips together like a few seconds ago, but now he placed his hands on Magnus's ass and squeezed it a little bit. Because Alec was standing very close, Magnus could feel how hard he was. He was going to tell Alec to take him to his bedroom, but suddenly the memories that he was trying very hard to forget, came back and it was like, Magnus woke up and started hating himself again. He broke he kiss, walked back and hated himself even more when he saw disappointment in Alec's eyes.

-What's wrong with you today? I don't think that you're very happy that I'm back...-Alec said with sad voice and looked down on the floor.

-No, no, no. It's not that. I just started thinking about mom... I'm sorry...-Magnus said with sad voice. Alec looked at him again when he heard those words and suddenly the disappointment disappeared from his eyes. He gave Magnus a little sad smile and without saying anything, he hugged him tightly. After a few minutes of standing like that, Alec broke a hug, gave Magnus another sweet kiss and took him to the living room. They set down on the couch and started talking about how things change in last two weeks.

-I'm pretty sure Justin still loves Jessica. You had to see his face every time girls would walk down to the hall.-Magnus said and looked at Alec.

-After what he did to her, broke her heart, I think he deserves to suffer because of his actions.-Alec said. He got nervous again when he saw in Magnus's eyes that something was bothering him.-Mags, what's wrong, please don't lie to me... I can see it in your eyes.

-Nothing, really. It's just... No matter what, you would always love me, right?-Magnus said and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer. Alec smiled and placed his hand on Magnus's cheek to calm him down.-Would you?

-Of course, I would. You are the love of my life, there is no way that I can not love you.-Alec said. Magnus smiled and Alec was going to say something else, but suddenly there was a knock on the door. Magnus went to get the pizza and after a few minutes he came back. They started talking about what was going on New York, school, football and Sectionals. Everyone, except Alec and Izzy knew the choreography and Sectionals was in two days, but Alec said that Izzy would come back tomorrow and Magnus and Quinn were going to teach siblings the moves.

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