Chapter 6

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Clary, Sebastian and Simon were in courtyard and talking about the whole school. They just finished the 4th period and now they were having second lunch.

-And homecoming?-Simon asked and looked at Sebastian.-There's going to be a bonfire.

-Why are you looking at me? You want to go with me?-Sebastian said and boys started laughing. Clary wasn't saying anything, she was drawing something in her sketchbook. Well someone actually. When Sebastian noticed that he sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder.

-What?-Clary asked without looking at him, but she already knew what he was going to say. Sebastian and Simon knew about her feeling for Jace since last year, when they noticed how she was looking at him, but she liked Jace for three years already.

-You know that you're torturing yourself right? I hate to see that you're suffering. He's an idiot, he doesn't deserve...-Before Sebastian could finish his sentence, Clary said.

-Don't you dare finish that sentence Sebastian! You don't know him, and you don't know if he deserves my feelings or not!-Clary said angrily. She closed the sketchbook and stood up, to go inside when suddenly someone was standing in front of her.

-Hey...-Jace said shyly and Clary almost had a heart attack. Why was he talking to her? Did he hear what they were talking about? Maybe someone knew about her feelings and told him!

-How can we help you?-Sebastian asked with cold voice and Clary wanted to kill him right there.

-Actually, I wanted to talk to Clary.-Jace smiled sweetly and Simon looked at him with wide eyes. *How does he know my name?* was the first thing Clary thought.

-We'll leave you two lovebirds then...-Simon said with little smirk and told Sebastian with eyes that it was time to leave. Sebastian groaned and got up. He took his bag and then they left.

-Do you need my help with homework?-Clary asked and put her sketchbook in bag. What if Jace asks her to show him her drawings, what is she supposed to do? The sketchbook is full of Jace's portraits. He would figure everything out and Clary would die from embarrassment.

-What? No. just because I'm blond, it doesn't mean that I'm stupid.-Jace said and Clary started laughing. *Oh my God, why haven't I talked to her before? She's so cute!* Jace thought.

-Then what is it? I don't think that your girlfriend will like if she sees you talking to me.-Clary said with low voice. Jace wanted to punch himself because of what he was doing.

-Who? Kaelie? She's not my girlfriend anymore, we broke up.-As soon as Clary heard those words, her face lit up, but she tried her best to hide it.-So, I... I wanted.. to ask you...

-Jace, what's going on?-Clary laughed a little and Jace inhaled deeply.

-Will you go out with me?-Jace said quickly and Clary looked at him with wide eyes, but nodded with a huge smile. They decided to go to Java Jones after school. After that Jace walked to Alec who was looking at him with "What did you do?!" face.-What?!

-Why on the earth did you tell her that you and Kaelie broke up?! She's a sweet girl and do you really want to use her for your pleasure?!-Alec hissed and punched Jace in arm.

-What the fuck is your problem?! I'm not using her for my pleasure! I just want to go out with her!-Jace said with angry voice and Alec inhaled deeply.

-If this is one of your games, Jace, I swear to Angel, I will never talk to you ever again!-Alec said. Jace wanted to say something, but suddenly someone shouted something from the end of the hallway. Students were standing close and they were watching something on floor. Alec and Jace looked at each other with confused look and rushed where students were standing.

-What the hell is going on here?!-Alec said and looked down on the floor. As soon as he saw who were fighting, his eyes got wide. Lukas was sitting on Philip and he was punching him in face with everything he had. Boys were standing there for a few second, but suddenly Alec came back to reality. Jace pulled Lukas off Philip and Alec helped him to stand up.

-You need to see nurse.-Alec said and they walked to nurses office. She asked what happened and Alec knew that what Philip told her wasn't true. When they went to hallway again, lesson has already begun, but Alec still asked what happened.

-I was talking to him, and suddenly he saw jocks and started punching me. He's ashamed of his sexuality and I hate that! Being gay in this school is torture, you're lucky that you're straight.

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