Chapter 36

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*2 days later*

It has been two days after Alec admitted that he loves Magnus. Izzy was in shock for a while, but then she came back to reality when Alec changed the topic and asked why she was acting like a crazy and accused him that he would cheat on Magnus. She told Alec that the reason why she and Steve broke up, was that Steve cheated on her with some cheerio in New York.

-Cheating is something that breaks your heart into million pieces. Not only because he is having fun with someone else, because he throws you heart on the floor like it's nothing. Like you didn't trust him with everything you have, like you didn't love him with your whole heart. He's forgetting everything you two have been through, just because he doesn't feel to be with you. But the main reason why I broke up with Steve was that he lied after cheating. He was with me for a month without saying anything, like everything was fine. Maybe, I've forgiven him if he told be right after he did it, but he was still acting like nothing happened. Until one day, when I heard him talking to his idiot friend about that. He didn't even deny it, he just told me that he lost interest in me. If he really loved me, if love is real, you will never lose interest in that person. You will want to be with him or her for your whole life. That's why I was scared that you would cheat on Magnus, I'm sorry that I thought that Alec, I know you will never do such a thing to him. Remember this, no matter how hard you two will fight, what kind of misunderstanding you will have, don't ever think that it's the end of your relationship, don't ever think that you two aren't meant to be together and don't ever sleep with someone else to prove this, because I'm sure that right after you'll do that, you will realize that you were wrong and you two are supposed to spend the rest of your lives together. Cheating will be the biggest mistake you will ever make in your entire life.

-I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!-Alec shouted when an alarm made a weird noise, which woke Alec up and he remembered that he had exam in chemistry today.-MOM?!

-No, you will go to school today! Both of you!-Maryse shouted and went to Alec's room.-Isabelle, wake up! And get ready or you will be late!

-I'm awake!-Izzy shouted and almost fell from the bed.

-Max is sick and he's staying home today and Alec, before you say, Catarina is coming here with Madzie to babysit him. Get your asses up and go to school! I can't drive you today, I'm in hurry.-Maryse said and she disappeared as soon as she walked into the room. Alec groaned and covered his ears with a pillow, but Izzy wasn't going to let him sleep again. She got up quietly, like a cat and went to Alec's bed. Suddenly Alec felt how cold air touched his skin.

-ISABELLE! YOU BETTER RUN!-He roared and heard how Izzy ran out from the room and continued giggling. Alec got up from the bed and took his phone. Usually, Magnus always texts him before school, but today there was no new message. Not from Hannah and not from Magnus. Alec texted Magnus that he would meet him in choir room and talk him about Izzy's weird behavior, which he knew from Kurt and asked Alec what happened, but before he could replay, he fell asleep. Alec got ready quickly and went to bathroom but of course Izzy was there.

-Izzy, come out, I need to get ready too!-Alec shouted and knocked on the door. Izzy shouted back something about women take longer to get ready, and Alec knew that he wouldn't get to use bathroom for next ten minutes, so he went to kitchen to make breakfast, because if Izzy tried to make it while he was at bathroom... House would probably be on fire.

-Finally!-Alec said when Izzy went to the kitchen and he ran into the bathroom. It only took Alec five minutes to get ready. After giving up while trying to do something to his hair, he went back to kitchen and ate only one pancake. When they opened the door, Catarina was standing there.

-Alec, I have to meet girls. Some cheerio's problem, but I'll see you in chemistry class.-Izzy told Alec and ran in the hallway to girls. Alec looked around to find Magnus and Hannah, they were always waiting for him, but now they weren't here. Alec sighed and went to the choir room.

-Okay, this week's...-Suddenly Mr. Schue was interrupted by weird noise, coming from hallway. It was a gunshot. Magnus, Izzy, Hannah, Rachel and Kurt weren't in choir room. Everyone was quiet, and then there was another sound of shot.-Everybody hide right now! Hide!

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