Chapter 42

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Magnus's mom, Rachel, jocks, another half of Glee club, Helen and even Philip were looking at them with wide eyes. Izzy, Hannah and Jessica, who was hugging her girlfriend, were looking at boys with big grin on their faces. Julia had her hand over her mouth and when Magnus looked at her after breaking the kiss. Magnus looked at Alec with wide eyes, because he knew that Alec was more scared of coming out that him. Alec giggled and took Magnus's hand.

-I thought I lost the most important person in my life, I don't care what others think as long as I have you on my side.-Alec said and gave Magnus a little kiss on his cheek.

-Will you come with me to talk to mom? I need you if she tells me that I'm disgusting.

-Stop, she won't tell you that! And I will never leave you again!-Alec told Magnus with caring voice. Magnus inhaled deeply and they started talking forward to their parents. Alec hugged Maryse but he still wasn't letting go of Magnus's hand. Magnus turned to face his mother, he was getting ready to see disgust in her eyes, but he didn't see any when he looked in her eyes.

-Mom...-He whispered with low voice. Julia sighed and hugged her son tightly.

-I was so scared. I thought I would never see you again.-She whispered in his ear and Magnus could breathe again when he realized that his mom wasn't ashamed of him.

-So, you don't hate me? You don't think that I'm disgusting and...

-What?! I would never think that!-Julia broke the hug and looked at Magnus with wide eyes.-You are my boy, who I almost lost today! I will never hate you. I'm okay with you being gay.

-Mom, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual.-Magnus laughed a little and at first he smiled at Alec then his mom. Julia was going to say something again, when suddenly people gasped and some of them started shouted something loudly. Boys turned around to see what was going on, and Alec wasn't that shocked when he saw that cops were taking Jonathan to the police car. They were going to sit in the car, when Philip stood up and walked to them. Cops didn't stop him.

-I hope you will rot in hell.-Philip said with low voice, but everyone was so quiet, it was very easy to hear. He looked in Jonathan's eyes and spit in his face. Jonathan didn't do anything, in fact, he was standing there and smiling at Philip. This action caused Philip to get angrier than he already was, so he punched Jonathan in face as strongly as he could. No one stopped him this time too, why would they? Alec, didn't know why Philip was acting like this, he was always shy and quiet boy, looked at Magnus with confused face, who sighed sadly.

-Jonathan shot two and killed two students. He shot Chris and Evan, who actually saved Isak's life, and he killed Karofsky and...-Alec's eyes got wider when he realized what Magnus had said. How could have someone killed his own best friend?-And Lukas. That's why Philip is like that.

-WHAT?!-Alec shouted in shock and looked at Philip, who was crying on Finn's shoulder. Alec almost heard how his heart broke, when he saw him like that. They never were close, but Alec always like Philip, and Lukas too. They didn't deserve this. Alec felt anger in his body grow, so before he could stop himself, he ran to the car and punched Jonathan in the stomach with his knee, which caused him to groan in pain. No one stopped Alec, like they didn't stop Philip.

-This is for Chris and Evan!-Alec almost shouted and punched him again.-And this is for Lukas. I hope you burn in hell like you deserve! You are a monster, Jonathan!

-You know... I wanted to kill you. Never them, just you for being the disgusting person you truly are... Fag!-Alec was going to punch him again, but Magnus stopped him and said that there was a Glee meeting. They walked to Philip and Alec smiled at him sadly. Alec placed his hand on his shoulder and told him to come with them. Everyone was in the auditorium, including Jace and Clary. Girls hugged when they saw each other. Jace told them that he wanted to join club if they would let him. Alec smiled at him, because he finally realized that this club was more than just some club, it was family. Alec took the guitar and they started singing Say by John Mayer.

-It's better to say too much, then never say what you need to say again...-Izzy sung, while holding Simon's hand and hugging Philip, who was also crying while singing and who had a great voice, like Jace and Clary. After a few seconds, Mr. Schue joined them and looked at kids with teary eyes. They were okay. They would always be traumatized because of this day, but they knew that they had each other no matter what. They were one big family...

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