Chapter 5

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-Oh my God, what the hell have I done?!-Magnus gasped when Hannah and Alec left the auditorium. Quinn wasn't expecting that and looked at him with wide eyes.-I'm so dumb! What kind of idiot does what I did? Now he think's that I'm a total idiot!

-What the hell are you talking about?-Quinn asked but she already knew the answer.

-What I did with Alec. Jesus, I called him cute and when he blushed I touched his cheek, does normal person do that? Quinn, please don't mention my name when you'll see him or I will bury myself in this auditorium!-Magnus was talking too fast, Quinn almost couldn't understand what he was saying. Magnus noticed Alec in the hallway, before the first lesson but he was too shy to talk. Then he saw him talking to jocks and he got a little worried. In previous school he was getting bullied by jocks because of dancing and because he never had a girlfriend. He liked a few girls, like Tessa Grey and Jessamine Lovelace, but Tessa was dating Jem Carstairs and Jessamine was dating Tessa's brother, Nathaniel. So, jocks were making fun of him and he sworn never to talk to jocks ever again. Alec seemed different, he was kind. But, why was Magnus thinking that kind of stuff about him, he's straight, and so is Alec.

*I think that Hannah and Alec are together. He can't complain, she's very pretty.*-Magnus was in his thought and he was ignoring what Quinn was telling him.

-For heaven's sake, Magnus are you listening to me?!-He came back to reality when Quinn shouted in his ear. He wasn't expecting that, and almost fell down.

-Yes, I am and don't shout in my ear. Rachel was enough.-Magnus said with low voice and went to backstage to change his clothes. Person would think that he ran the whole town.

-No you didn't! But now you will, don't make me go mad, I'm already mad at my ass boyfriend!

-What? Why?-Magnus tried to change the subject.

-Because he's a total asshole. He's ashamed that I'm in Glee and he's saying I should leave because other jocks, like Bryce, Jonathan and Karofsky, stay away from them for your own good, are making fun of me and unholy trinity.-When Quinn saw his confused face, added.-Everyone is calling me, Santana and Brittany Unholy trinity, I don't know why. Anyways, I always knew that Chris was thinking like others, but Jace and Alec are so nice and Alec's mother, Maryse is friend of Mr. Schue, I thought if I can't change Chris's mind about Glee club, maybe Alec or Jace can. I just don't believe that my own boyfriend is ashamed of me.

-What? Screw him! If he thinks like that you should leave him. Why are you still with him? Because of the whole popularity thing?-Magnus said and Quinn turned around, so he could change his shirt. She sighed and continued talking when he said, that she could turn around.

-No, because we've been together for years. And not just people to see us, we've been going out, he was very sweet to me. When boys were saying something uncomfortable, he was protecting me. And most importantly, because I love him. It's not something I can turn on and off, because he can't understand that I also love Glee club.

-Then help him understand. Explain to him that you love singing and dancing and you don't care what others think about you. Please don't tell me that you haven't thought about that.-Magnus said and after telling Rachel and Finn that they would see them after this lesson, they left auditorium. As soon as they were in a hallways, Quinn continued talking.

-Of course I did, and I tried too. But he doesn't listen. Maybe it has something to do with his dad, that guy is a sociopath, he really freaks me out, so we always meet in my house.

-And he just didn't listen? Or did he say anything?-Magnus asked with shocked face and opened the locker door. Quinn told him that he just told her that he wasn't going to listen to her.

-Hey barbie!-Suddenly Chris came from nowhere, and Quinn dropped her book and shouted.

-Are you are moron?! Never, ever do that again, you idiot!-She shouted and Magnus tried his best not to start laughing. After a few minutes of apologizing, Chris went to his class.

-Hey, can I ask you something? But don't tell Alec!-Quinn nodded and Magnus continued.-Does Alec likes Hannah? I mean, she's pretty and girls were saying that he's single.

-I don't know, but why do you care anyways? Do you have a little crush on him?...

-No, no. I have crush on girls, I'm straight.-Magnus laughed and they walked into Math class.

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