Chapter 61

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-Magnus, I swear to god! Call me back or answer the fucking phone! I'm freaking out!

-Mags... Whatever you're apologizing for, I'm pretty sure it has an explanation, please... I love you, don't forget that...

It has been already ten minutes after Magnus sung Alec that song and tun out from the house. Alec knew that there was no point to go to his house or to look on streets, Magnus would already be in school. In fact, Alec called Izzy and she said that as soon as Magnus went to school, he ran to boy's bathroom. Alec told her that he would be there soon, he walked back to his room and changed his clothes, because going outside with clothes he wears in bed felt a little bit weird. Then he walked to the living room and took Maryse's car keys. He drove quickly to school, because he wanted to talk to Magnus as soon as possible. It was only seven pm, but because it's January, it was very dark outside. There were lights on in the whole school and there were cars everywhere. Alec got out and literally ran to the building.

-Jace, Jace, where's Magnus?-Alec asked Jace when he saw him in the hallway. Jace always had sparks in his eyes and big grin on his face, but this time, Alec could see saddens in his eyes.

-He was in the backstage with boys, they're changing. Oh, Andrew is there too and he was also looking for you.-Jace said and rolled his eyes when Alec asked where he was going.-I need to find my girlfriend and tell her something, may I?

Alec looked at him with wide eyes and started walking to the backstage, when Jace went to find Clary. Everyone was wearing jeans, blue shirt and black ties. Boys were already dressed up and girls were doing their make up and hair. He saw Magnus, sitting in the corner of the room and trying to avoid someone's gaze. When Alec looked around and saw the only person that was acting exactly like that, he realized that Magnus was avoiding Steve's gaze. Alec was going to walk to Magnus and talk to him, when suddenly he felt hand on his shoulder.

-Hey...-Andrew said and looked at Alec with awkward smile. After their little misunderstanding, they haven't talked and they were avoiding each other even then, when Kurt was asking Alec got to with him to see Blaine, Alec didn't want to go but he felt like he owned to Kurt.

-Hey...-Alec answered and gave him a little smile but all his was thinking about right now was to talk to Magnus. After talking to Andrew for a few minutes, Alec wished him and Warbles good luck and he walked to Magnus, who was looking at them the whole time.

-Don't worry, I'm not going to cheat on you.-Alec laughed a little and he realized that something was wrong when Magnus didn't even smile. In fact, he got up, he took Alec's hand and dragged him out from the backstage.-Magnus, what are you doing?

-I need to tell you something.-Magnus whispered with shaky voice and after walking to the choir room, he locked the door and turned around to look at Alec with teary eyes. Alec felt nervousness in his body, when Magnus said that.-I just... I'm really, really fucking sorry. I... When you were gone... I was with someone...

Magnus said, almost whispered. When Alec's brain processed when Magnus has said, his heart stopped. He felt like his whole world crashed down by this one sentence. He opened his mouth for a few times to say something to Magnus, but he couldn't.-Alec... I'm really sorry... I just...

-Who... Who was it?-Alec managed to finally ask this question. Magnus looked down on the floor because he couldn't look a broken look on Alec's face.-Who did you cheat on me with?

-Steve... Please, Alec, let me explain...-Magnus said and Alec looked at him with wide eyes.

-Ste... let you explain what, Magnus? That you cheated on me with my sister's ex-boyfriend, and if you didn't know, my ex-crush? I can't believe it... A few month ago, you were angry at me because you thought that I would cheat on you, how could you do that to me?-Alec said with dead voice and tears came down on his cheeks like a waterfall.

-I... I felt like I was alone... you weren't with me, my mom wasn't with me and... I didn't want to feel like that... I took something...-Magnus said with ashamed voice.-I took some kind of drug, I was high and I couldn't think straight when I got to that club. I'm so sorry, Alec...

-You... You took a drug? Wh...-Even though Alec was very hurt, he was still worried about Magnus.-I... I need to go. 

(So, yeahh... Magnus did that, don't hate me. And I don't know when I'll be able to post another chapter because i have to finish my summer math homework, that is A LOT, and i also have no inspo to write... *sigh* Writer's block is back.)

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