Chapter 48

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-Ouch...-This was the first thing Alec could say when he woke up. His head was hurting so badly, he could barely turn around to take the phone from the nightstand. It was almost 8 am and he only had twenty minutes to get ready. Alec groaned and got up, he walked to Izzy's bed and tried to wake her up but she covered her ears with the pillow and Alec was pretty sure, she even told him to fuck off. He rolled his eyes and went out from the room and walked to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, he looked into the mirror and saw dark circles under his eyes, he was expecting that, because they came back home at three am. He couldn't remember anything that happened yesterday. Only going to Kurt's house, walking home and laughing about something with Andrew. Nothing else.

-Hope I didn't do anything stupid.-Alec said to himself in the mirror and then went to the kitchen. Of course, Maryse and Max were already there.

-Alec, you look awful.-Max said as soon as he walked into the kitchen. Maryse also looked at him with shocked face but didn't say anything, she didn't like that he was drinking but she couldn't do anything about it. This is his last year in high school and he's also an adult already.

-Good morning to you too, Max. Jeez.-Alec said and rolled his eyes. He took the bottle of water from the fridge and set down in front of the table.

-Where's Isabelle? Why didn't you wake her up, she will be late.-Maryse told Alec and looked down to her watch. Alec yawned and took one pancake from Max's plate, which made Max angry and punched Alec in the hand.-Max! And Alec, you can't take his food!

-When I tried to wake Izzy up, she punched me and told me to fuck off, and I can take food from Max, because he's cute when he's angry. Now, I'm gonna go and try to wake Izzy up again, and then I will go to school, because I need to see Magnus before class. If you excuse me...-Alec said with big smile on his face and walked back into his room while eating pancake. He finished his so-called breakfast and got closer to Izzy's bed. He called her a few times, but then got tired and took blanket, which cause Izzy to scream loudly, because it's already November.

-ALEC!... Ouch, my head.-Izzy yelled and then groaned.-What the hell do you want?!

-Get up and get ready for school. I can't wait for you, I'm going already.-Alec said and walked to his closet to get dressed. Izzy rolled her eyes and after complaining, got up and walked to the bathroom. Because it was already cold outside, Alec took his dark blue jeans, black shirt with long sleeves and his red letterman jacket. He also put on his sneakers and took the backpack from the floor. Alec took his phone and saw that Hannah had texted him. She said that she wanted to talk to him about something serous and she would meet him in front of her house.

-I'm going!-Alec shouted and walked out. He shivered when he felt how cold it was outside. Alec walked quickly to Hannah's house and saw her standing there and waiting for him.

-Hey, are you okay?-Alec asked her. She nodded and both of them continued walking.

-Yeah... How did you know that it was right time to tell Magnus that you loved him?...

-Hey, Magnus!-Alec shouted in the hallway, when he walked out from the History class and ran to Magnus, who rolled his eyes as soon as he saw Alec.-Did I do something wrong? You've been avoiding me the whole day. In choir room, in Math class, in the hallway... What happened?

-Nothing happened, what makes you think that?-Magnus asked when he realized that Alec didn't remember anything from last night. Of course, Alec didn't believe him and followed Magnus, when he started walking to Biology class.

-I know when you're lying, you're my boyfriend, remember?-Alec said with little laughter, but it cause Magnus to get more angry than he already was.

-Yeah, I remember that you're my boyfriend, and I also remember that you made out with your "friend"!-Magnus shouted and some of the students looked at them with confused face, but didn't ask anything. Suddenly, Alec remembered everything. Oh crap.

-That's why your so angry? That was because of spin the bottle, I don't like Andrew that way, come on Magnus. You know I love you, don't think about stuff like that.

-Do I know that? And do you know that maybe you love me, but maybe you like him too.-Magnus answered but before Alec could say something, he walked away. 

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