Chapter 8

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They were so close. So close that they could feel each other's unstable breath. Alec's hands were on Magnus's hips but he had no idea how they get there. They were getting closer... Their noses were touching, but then Magnus came back to reality. What was he doing?! He was going to kiss someone on his first day in new school. And not just someone, a boy! Before they could go any far, Magnus walked back quickly. He was so pale, like he saw a ghost. Alec's heart was beating so fast, like he ran the whole Ohio. What were they doing?!

-Guys...-Alec almost had a heart attack when he heard Me. Schue's voice, but when he looked at him, he didn't see confusion and they auditorium door was still open, which means that he didn't see what was going to happen.

-Wh... When did you come here?-Magnus asked with shaking voice and Alec realized that he was nervous because he thought the same that Alec did.

-Just now. I was walking in the hall and heard our singing. Alec, you have an amazing voice. We know each other for years, why didn't you tell me? And why did you say that you couldn't sing?-Mr. Schue was talking with amazement, but Alec only could think about what could've happened if Magnus didn't walk back. They would've kissed and Mr. Schue would've seen them. Or even worse, Jace, Chris or other jocks. How could he be so reckless?!

-I... I need to go.-Alec said quickly. He took his bag from the stage floor and ran to another door. He could feel Magnus's gaze but he didn't turn around. He ran into the hallway and noticed Hannah's long here. Alec ignored that Jace and Chris were calling him, he quickly ran to her.

-Hannah. I screwed everything up!-Alec said when he was standing beside her.

-Hey, Alec.-He noticed only then that Hannah was talking to Jessica. Then she looked behind Alec and she became pale.-Damn it, Justin. I need to go.

-Okay. I'll text you my address.-Hannah told her. Jessica nodded and quickly walked out from school. Alec looked at Hannah with wide eyes.-What?

-Since when are you and Jessica friends?-He asked and Hannah rolled her eyes.

-She's very sweet and what the hell happened to you? You're like a tomato, your cheeks are on fire.-Hannah laughed and Alec inhaled deeply. He was going to start telling her what happened but suddenly he saw Magnus and Mr. Schue walking out from auditorium. The lessons are over, which means that Magnus needs to walk by Alec to get outside.

-We need to go. NOW!-Alec demanded and technically ran outside. Hannah was standing there for a few seconds, but when she saw Magnus was coming in the hallway, she realized that Alec was acting like a freak because of that. She laughed a little bit and walked outside too. Alec was standing beside the big tree and he was trying to hide.

-What the hell happened to you?!-Hannah almost shouted and walked closer to him.

-We almost kissed!-Alec said with low voice and Hannah couldn't help herself, but to laughed loudly.-Shut the fuck up or I swear to Angel, I will tear up apart!

-You too meet each other exactly two hours ago and you were already going to rip each other's clothes off? And where? In a hallway? Or in biology class? Restroom?-Hannah said with laughter and they walked out from schoolyard.

-In an auditorium, on a stage. And we weren't going to rip each others clothes! We were just singing and then suddenly we were standing very close to each other. And my hands were on his hips. And I really wanted to kiss him.-Alec sighed and threw his head back but he continued walking. Usually, he goes home with Jace but right now he wanted to talk to someone that really understands him.-But I guess he's straight because he walked back very quickly.

-Oh dear lord, you are in trouble.-Hannah laughed and Alec rolled his eyes.

-I thought you would understand. We are playing on same team, aren't we?-Alec said and Hannah nodded without saying anything.-Are you gay?

-What? No, don't you remember that I was talking about Justin? I'm bisexual. And maybe so is Magnus. He needs time, let him realize, and don't try to kiss him in near future!-Hannah said and walked inside house. Alec was living a little far from her. The whole way home he was thinking about her words. Maybe it would be better if he wouldn't talk to Magnus for a while.

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