Chapter 34

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-Blaine Anderson, I swear to God, if Andrew starts flirting with Alec, I will kill you and bury you beside Pravarotti.-Kurt said with low voice and looked at Alec and Andrew from the mirror, they were laughing about something and didn't know what Kurt and Blaine were talking about.

-What do you mean? Why? It's clear, Alec likes him...-Blaine said with confused voice and looked at his boyfriend, who was holding steering wheel tightly.

-No, you dumb human being! He's just being nice, and also he's in love with another boy!-Kurt hissed and smiled at boys. Blaine said "Ohh" with low voice and Kurt rolled his eyes.

-Well, this doesn't have to be a date. They can just be friends...

-Blaine, sweetheart, you know I love you, but if you continue talking that kind of nonsense, I will break this windshield with your head! Look at them! Andrew is already flirting with him! Do something or I swear...-Kurt didn't have to continue his sentence.

-So, Alec, I was thinking and do you like someone in Glee? Kurt told me you and your sister joined the club...-Suddenly Blaine interrupted and Kurt tried his best not to yell at Blaine to shut the fuck up. Alec looked at him with confused look and then smiled like always.

-Everyone is very nice. I didn't think that being in Glee would be this fun, actually they helped me accept who I am.-Alec said with big grin on his face.

-Accept who you are? What do you mean?-Andrew asked, like he already didn't know, but before Alec could answer something, Kurt stopped the car and told everyone that they were in front of the café. Alec jumped out from the car, because despite that fact that he has already eaten his lunch, he was still very hungry. Boy told waitress only coffee, Alec told her coffee and biscuits. They were talking about everything, then Alec asked Blaine about Regionals.

-We are going to do Michael, you know, king of pop. Hope you guys aren't spying on us.-Blaine said and looked at Kurt and Alec, like they were serial killers. Kurt and Alec rolled their eyes but laughed and told them that they didn't know yet when boys asked the same question.

-What do you mean you don't know yet? Regionals is like in three days.-Andrew asked with wide eyes. Of course, they knew what they were going to sing, they didn't know who would.

--No, of course we know what we're going to sing, we just dong know who's going to sing it yet. We had a competition today, a couple that wins will sing a duet at Regionals. And who's going to decide who won, by the way?-Alec said and looked at Kurt.

-Mr. Schue I think, he always decides that kind of stuff.-Kurt answered.

-Then Rachel and Finn are going to sing it. It's always like that.-Alec said and boys started laughing.-Actually, I really liked their duet, A thousand years by Christina Perri really suits them.

-Yes, and Simon and Izzy were great too. They sang Just give me a reason by Pink, and you should stop looking Simon like he's going to hurt her. I get that she's your baby sister but he really loves her.-Kurt said and Alec sighed.-Hannah and Jessica were great too...

-What did they sing?-Blaine asked because he knew everything about them.

-I kissed a girl by Katy Perry, you had to see jocks faces, it will always stay in my mind.-Alec said and started laughing loudly. Suddenly Andrew's hand touched his, because he was sitting beside him, but Alec thought that it was accident. After a few seconds, Alec was going to tell him to move his hand, because Andrew was acting like nothing was happening. Before Alec would have a chance to tell him that, Izzy stormed into the café.

-Oh, poor Alec, he's in trouble...-Kurt whispered and boys looked at him with confused face.

-ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD, YOU ARE IN BIG SHIT!-Izzy shouted and drew everyone's attention in café.-WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!

-I'm pretty sure your sister want to talk to you.-Andrew told Alec.

-I'll be right back.-Alec said and walked to Izzy. She looked at Andrew and then Alec.

-Look, I forgive you for not telling me about Magnus, I'm mad but still... And, Andrew is cute but he's not worth losing Magnus over.-Izzy whispered the last sentence.

-Oh, how I've missed your insanity. And you know Andrew?-Izzy nodded and walked to boys.

-Hey, guys. Sorry I have to steal Alec from you, we have a project to do and we have to go to his boyfriend's place.-Izzy smiled and Before Ale could say anything, she dragged him outside.

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