Chapter 49

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Alec was standing there for a few minutes and couldn't realize what Magnus had said. Of course, it was a lie, he didn't like Andrew that way but why didn't Magnus realize that? Didn't he trust Alec? Did he really thought that Alec is that kind of guy that will cheat on his boyfriend? Those thoughts, that Magnus wasn't trusting him, made him angrier than Magnus, than himself. They could've talked and sort this out, but Magnus yelled at him in front of the entire school and ran away from him. Alec was in his thoughts and didn't even notice Quinn, who was standing next to him and was calling his name.

-ALEC!-She shouted and slapped him in the face to wake him up. Suddenly, Alec blinked a few times and looked at Quinn with wide eyes, while he placed his hand on his cheek.-Sorry but you where hypnotized, this was the only way. Are you okay?

-Do you remember anything from last night?-Alec asked and they started walking to the English class.-All I remember is going to Kurt's house, drinking, dancing and playing Spin the bottle.

-And what happened between you and Magnus? Is it because you and your blondie friend had a hot make out session?-Quinn giggled and Alec looked at her with wide eyes.

-First of all, it wasn't a hot make out session, it was just a kiss, which I didn't enjoy that much...

-Oh, right, that's why you two almost ate each other's faces right?-Before Alec could say something else, Quinn interrupted. Alec looked at her with wide eyes and walked to the best. They set down beside each other and Quinn continued.-It was very gross by the way.

-Ew. Stop it! I have a boyfriend and Andrew is my friend...

-So? Even friends make out with each other, if you don't remember, Magnus and I made with each other and I don't get why he's so angry.-Quinn interrupted again and Alec rolled his eyes.

-Yeah, I remember that but I don't remember what happened when we were leaving the house.

-Well... You and Andrew were so drunken, you almost made out with each other again, it was very funny, Magnus and I were stooping you and Blaine was stopping Andrew. Then Andrew told Magnus that he was lucky because you were very goddamned kisser, and Magnus whispered that he was lucky because he wasn't killing him right there in front of everyone.

-That's it?-Alec asked and sighed when Quinn nodded.-Then why is he so angry? How is Chris?

-He's fine, doctor said that day before yesterday that he could go back to school but he wouldn't be able to play football, or he could stay for a little longer and then play. Of course, he chose to stay and we think that he will come back after Regionals, because you have the most important game. Oh my god! You two better sort this all out before Regionals! You know that you and Magnus are singing the duet, and Regionals is in two days!-Quinn said with wide eyes and punched Alec in the arm. She told him once again to talk to Magnus and then teacher walked into the classroom and started talking. After forty minutes of torture, the lesson was finally over and students literally ran out from the classroom, not because English was boring for them, because it was lunch break. Alec and Quinn walked out calmly and continued talking about Regionals when Quinn suddenly stopped and ran to the window.

-Quinn, come on! I'm hungry!-Alec complained and walked to her to drag her into the cafeteria but when he looked in the window, he saw a familiar uniform and hair.

-Are you going to talk to him? But of course you are!-Quinn said and dragged Alec outside.-Hey Andrew, I'm going to leave him here and you don't do anything stupid!

-Is everything alright?-Andrew asked with confused face when Quinn went back in the building. Alec nodded and they set down on the bench.-Where's your better half?

-He's angry at me because of what happened yesterday.-Alec said and sighed.

-Oh... Yeah, I remember what he told me yesterday but I didn't think that he would be angry at you, it was a game after all.-Andrew said and Alec chuckled.

-You know, this is your fault because you told me to drunk as much as I wanted.-Alec said.

-Funny, because that's not exactly how I remember it...-Andrew said with smirk on his face and before Alec could realize, he came closer and pressed his lips on Alec's. Of course, Alec did push him away, but after Magnus saw everything and ran into the boy's bathroom.


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