Chapter 24

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-Dude, where have you been? I've been looking for you at the party for hours!-Jace said as soon as Alec sat down beside him. They had History together.

-I... Yeah, we left early, Izzy drank too much.-Alec answered quickly and hoped that Jace wouldn't notice the hickeys, but of course he did.

-What are those? Who gave them to you?-He asked with a big grin on his face. Alec was thinking if he should tell him, but if Alec is wrong and Jace won't understand? What if he's a homophobic too like everyone else? Is all of this worth of destroying the reputation?

-Some cheerio. Don't remember which one was it.-Alec lied and avoided Jace's gaze because he would know that Alec was lying if he would see his face.

-So, finally, you're not virgin anymore!-Jace said and clapped his hands.

-Keep your voice down, Jesus! No, I am. It was just making out. Now shut the fuck up before someone else notices too!-Alec said. Jace looked at him with confused look because of his tone.

-Well, at least it was a girl.-Jace laughed and looked at the teacher. Alec sighed with relief when he realized that Jace really thought it was a girl. He did hate himself for lying to his best friend, but he can't let this one thing destroy his life. All he needs to do is hide his sexuality and his attraction for Magnus. He couldn't listen to the teacher and of course she noticed that.

-Mr. Lightwood, is anything more interesting in the schoolyard then World War II?-She asked with annoyed voice.-Maybe it's because of bruises on your neck? Will walking outside help?

-Yes, Ma'am.-Alec said with a low voice and blushed like a crazy when everyone started chuckling because of hickeys on his neck. Damn it, Magnus! It did feel good but couldn't he be more careful?! Alec took his bag and went outside. He sighed and texted Izzy to come outside as well and to bring her make up. After a few minutes, Izzy appeared in the hallway.

-Jesus, Alec! You know that I love art!-She rolled her eyes and they went to girl's restroom.

-Because Art is the only subject you are good at... I'm kidding! Jace noticed the marks. He asked who gave them to me.-Alec said and Izzy started covering hickeys with make up.-I lied. I said that it was some cheerio. And uniform looks very good on you, Iz.

-Thank you, I like it too. But why did you lie to him?-She said and looked at Alec's neck.-That's it. like they were never there. And why did you not tell him that it was Magnus?

-Because I don't know how they will react if they find out that I'm gay. This isn't New York, Iz. Kurt was getting bullied for years, he even transported to Dalton Academy because of Karofsky. He threatened him that they would kill him because he is gay. I can't let that happen to me.

-Not even because of Magnus?-Alec looked at his sister with shocked face, when she said those words.-You like him. Clearly, he likes you too. You should never give up on love.

-But you don't get it. I'm not strong like you.-Alec said. Izzy rolled her eyes and laughed a little.-I'm serous. I wish I was half as strong as you on your weakest day.

-You are strong and don't you dare say that you aren't. You know I always win! And now I have to go to class.-Izzy said and ran to the Art class. Alec almost died from the boredom, but suddenly, when it was only ten minutes left before the bell, Evan appeared in the hallway and that saved Alec from killing himself. They talked about stuff and then Alec heard the bell's sound ran to the choir room, because he had an idea for a song already.

-Alec! Alec! I have to show you something!-Finn said with laughing and Alec walked to him with confused face. Puck gave him the phone and Alec became red.-You don't remember?

-Oh my God, who did let me go into the pool naked?! Delete that Finn or I swear...

-Alec! You wanted to say something?-Mr. Schue said and Alec looked at others.

-Yes. Last night was great. It was exhausting and my head still hurts but... It was great. And I have a perfect song for it.-He said and band started playing Last Friday night by Katy Perry.

-I think we kissed but I forgot!...-Alec said and looked at Magnus. He shook his head with laughter and walked to Alec. Everyone started dancing and singing and jumping around. Magnus and Alec were jumping around while holding hands. They had no idea that Jace and Chris were looking at them from the window. When they finished, everyone was breathless.

-Alec... Will you go at the bonfire with me tomorrow?-Magnus asked with low voice and Alec looked at him with shocked face. Go there with him? In front of the entire school?

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