Chapter 17

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-Alec? What are you doing here?-Izzy asked with confusion when she saw her big brother sitting beside her on bed. Then suddenly she saw everything that happened yesterday like a movie in her head. She also heard her voice, when she admitted that she smoked something.

-I'm babysitting so you won't smoke something again and you won't dance in front of the entire school naked!-Alec hissed, almost shouted but no one would hear because door was closed.

-I wasn't naked! And how on the earth did you find me?!-Izzy asked and stood up.

-You were! You were dancing only in your bra and skirt on the stage in front of the entire school! You're lucky mom and dad didn't ask me anything!-Alec said. Izzy looked herself in the mirror and she regretted what she did yesterday, her eyes were like she was crying for days.

-Oh my God, what should I tell them?!-Izzy gasped and after a few seconds, Alec told her that they would believe that she and Aline watched a movie yesterday and they cried a lot.

-But first you need to shower! You smell like a bag of weed!-Alec said harshly and walked to the door. He was going to walk of from the room, when he heard Izzy's voice.

-I've missed you, you know?-She said and didn't wait to Alec's answer, went to bathroom. Alec sighed, closed the door and went to the kitchen.

-Where's Isabelle?-Maryse asked as soon as she saw Alec.

-She's getting ready, is everything okay?-He answered and set down in front of the table.

-Yes, but we have to go in three hours and she needs to pack her stuff.-When Alec heard these words, he looked at her with wide eyes.

-Did you talk to dad? He said yes?-Alec asked her. Before Maryse could answer, Max walked into the kitchen and he was looking at them like a lost puppy.

-Where's Izzy? Or dad?-He asked with low voice and walked to Alec.

-Izzy's getting ready and dad will come soon. Come here.-Alec answered and Max set down on his lap. His heart was beating very fast, he thought that everyone could hear.

-Mom!-Izzy shouted when she into the kitchen. She ran to Maryse and hugged her like she hasn't seen her for years, well, she hasn't actually. After hugging Maryse for five minutes and also giving Max a bone crashing hug, she set down in front of the table.

-Hey.-They heard Robert's voice and he walked to the kitchen, but before he could say anything else, Max stood up quickly and drew everyone's attention.

-I have to tell you something!-He said loudly and looked at Alec with scared eyes, who nodded.

-Is everything okay?-Izzy asked with worried voice, when she notice how pale Max was.

-I... Alec told me that it okay, but... I'm... I'm gay.-Max said with low and shaking voice and Alec smiled softly. Max did something that Alec couldn't do, not until he was eighteen. No one was saying anything for a few minutes, but then Izzy stood up quickly and ran to Max.

-That's amazing! I'm only straight child, who has two gay brothers.-She said with excited voice.

-Mom? Dad?-Max whispered and looked at them with teary eyes. Alec hit Robert's leg under the table, who came back to reality and looked at Maryse.-You need to know, that I'm still me.

-Sweetheart, of course you are.-Maryse said and walked to Max. she smiled and kneel down in front of him, so did Robert.-It's just... we knew about Alec, and we should've known about you.

-So... you don't hate me?-Max asked and Maryse and Robert looked each other with wide eyes.

-What? Of course we don't! You're our son, how can we ever hate you?-Robert asked horrified and Max looked like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders, but tears still made a way down on his cheeks. Alec smiled, because he remembered how terrified he was yesterday when he thought Maryse didn't know about him. After hugging him, they set down in front of the table again.-So, do you like someone already?

-I do. His name is Julian, but he has a girlfriend. Actually Alec likes someo... OUCH!-Max couldn't finish his sentence, because Alec punched him in the arm. Of course, he couldn't escape this conversation, they still asked him everything about Magnus.

-Isabelle, Robert and I had a talk yesterday and we decided that it will be better for you if you come with me to Ohio and live with us. You can go to McKinley with Alec.-Izzy looked at Robert with Is-it-okay-if-I-go face, and when he nodded, she clapped her hands and ran into her room.

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