Chapter 3

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-Finally! I thought someone killed you on your way!-Hannah said and laughed when she saw Alec. They were supposed to meet ten minutes ago, but they still have twenty minutes for lunch. That's why lunch break was Alec's favorite, it's always so long.-Where were you?

-Sorry, just had to talk to coach Ladouceur about me playing in team this year.-Alec answered and they walked into cafeteria. The kids were talking so loudly, that Alec thought about skipping the lunch and he probably would, if he wasn't so hungry.

-Wait, I thought you're in team. Girls were talking about you in class and they were saying that you're quarterback.-Hannah looked at him with confused look. Then she looked at woman and told her that she wanted pizza. Pizza in this school is disgusting but when you're hungry, you can and will eat anything. So, when she gave Hannah her pizza, Alec asked her the same.

-Well, I am now. I was playing last year, but then I just felt like, I didn't want it anymore, so I left the team. My best friends, Chris and Jace weren't talking to me for two weeks. Then I promised them that I would join the team again. So I did. Coach even told me that if I get enough votes, or something like that, I can be quarterback again.-Alec answered and Hannah rolled her eyes.

-Quarterback in my last school was an actual jerk. I think he wanted our team to lose. And I still don't get why is very important to be a quarterback for boys. You're just another player, right?-Hannah said and Alec started laughing.-Don't laughed at me, Lightwood!

-First, I'm not going to asked how you know my last name and second, being a quarterback is like... being the king, or something like that. Look, I like when I'm in charge and I honestly don't care what girls think about me.-Alec answered and walked to the table.

-Of course. You care what boys think about you. Come on, it's very obvious Alec. You didn't even look at cheerleader's ass and hey, we're playing on same team.-Hannah answered and blushed a little bit. Before Alec could say Jace noticed them and smiled at Hannah.

-You're the new girl right?-Jace said with warm smile and Hannah nodded.

-You have a girlfriend, Herondale, don't forget that.-Alec said and set down beside Hannah.

-And where is she now? She's been hanging out with Meliorn since last week and I'm just being nice.-Jace rolled his eyes and continued eating his spaghetti. Where did he get that?

-I have to ask, where on the earth did you get that disgusting spaghetti?-Salinas said and looked at spaghetti, like the plate was full of worms.

-It's not disgusting, it's very delicious. Do you want it?-Jace asked and Salinas shook his head quickly.-Like I was going to give it to you... Anyways, Hannah, do you like this school?

-Well, it's not as bad as my last one was, so yeah. And some kids are very kind, like Alec.-She said with smile and Alec blushed. Boys were laughing about that for five minutes.

-Do you have any hobbies? You can join the cheerios you know? Girls will love you, you're very pretty.-Quinn said and looked at her with smile.

-I love writing poems, but I don't let anyone read it. I heard something about Glee club... There's one girl in history class, Rachel if I remember right. She was telling another cheerleader about this new kid, who is a good dancer and is going to join Glee club.-Hannah said and suddenly Ale remembered a very handsome boy, who he saw in schoolyard.

-Yes, Brittany told me about him. He's name is Magnus and we saw him already. A good dancer? Our jaws were on floor when he finished dancing. And plus, he's very hot.-Quinn said.

-Are you still going to be in Glee club, Quinn? Jocks are making fun of you girls already...

-Oh, shut up, Chris.-Before Quinn could say anything, Alec said.-It's non of their business if Quinn is in Glee, she has an amazing voice and she's doing what she loves.

-I have to go, we have a rehearsal in auditorium.-Quinn said with cold voice and without kissing Chris, she left the cafeteria. Alec was thinking about going to auditorium for some reason.

-You're such a self-serving, egotistical idiot.-Hannah said and Chris and boys were looking at her with wide eyes.-What? You're just ashamed that she's in Glee. It has nothing to do with jocks.

-Guys, I'm going to go to auditorium. I joined team again, I'm going to play again and I'm going to tell Finn.-Boys weren't so surprised when Alec told them this. He left the cafeteria and the only reason why he was going to auditorium, was too see this new breathtaking student.

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