Chapter 32

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-Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is Steve Harrington, our new member. He was in Glee club back in New York too and you may know that he was the star of Vocal Adrenaline. If I remember correctly, Izzy and Alec you were in Vocal Adrenaline too, right?-Mr. Schue said.

-I was, not Alec and before any of girls thinking about having crush on Steve, believe me he's an actual douchebag!-She said and suddenly Steve's smile disappeared when everyone started laughing. He looked at siblings and sat down beside Quinn. One week ago, Chris and Quinn had the big fight about she being in Glee, which cause their actual break up. Funny, the whole two years, Chris was being an ass because Quinn was sitting in this choir room, and now he's here too. Mr. Schue said that everyone had to pick the partner, and they had to prepare a song.

-Mr. Schue!-Suddenly Alec didn't think about jocks being in the room, he put his hand up and drew everyone's attention.-We can sing right now if we have a song prepared?

-Of course. And I forgot to tell you... This is also a competition. And there's a price...

-What price?-Izzy said excitedly. Everyone looked at Mr. Schue with wide eyes when he said that winner couple would sing at Regionals.-NO WAY! ARE YOU KIDDING?

-What the hell is Regionals? Some stupid game for ladies?-Jonathan said with annoyed voice.

-Do you even have any idea what we do here, jackass?-Alec said and looked at Jonathan.

-No, he doesn't. None of them do, that's why we're going to show them.-Mr. Schue said. Kurt was going to say something, but coach stopped him.

-I know that this is your safe place and you don't feel comfortable, especially you and Hannah because of what happened and I'm apologizing instead of boys for that. But if you don't try and understand each other, I don't know how we can continue like this. This is the most of yours senior year, do you really want to spend it fighting with guys that can be your friends you give each other a chance?-When coach Ladouceur finished what he was saying, everyone was quiet, even Bryce, Jonathan and Karofsky. Suddenly, Steve started talking.

-Wasn't Alec going to sing?-Alec and Magnus looked at each other with a smile and got up.

-Wait, you two are going to sing?-Jace said with surprised voice and Alec rolled his eyes.

-Yes, do you have a problem about that?!-He said and they walked to the piano. Alec found out five days ago that Magnus couldn't play on the piano, so he decided to teach him. After a few tries he learned a little bit and they even played A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.

-'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles, If I could just see you.-They finished and looked each other with big smile and heart shaped eyes. If everyone weren't there, Alec would've kissed Magnus right now, but he didn't want anyone to find out yet.

-Guys that was amazing.-Mr. Schue said and boys got back to their sits. Chris was looking at Alec with smiley face. After a few minutes, Quinn and Sam stood up and said that they had something too. Sam too the guitar and started playing Lucky by Jason Mraz.

-They look very cute together.-Magnus told Alec quietly so Chris wouldn't hear, but when they finished singing, Chris suddenly stood up and left the choir room without saying anything,

-See, it wasn't that bad!-Coach told jocks and they left the choir room. There was five minutes left before the bell. Alec and Magnus closed the doors as soon as everyone left.

-I was dying to kiss you when we finished singing.-Alec said and helped Magnus get and sit down on the piano. He laughed and started playing with Alec's hair.

-Well, no one is here now so...-He didn't finish the sentence, because Alec crashed their lips together. A soft kiss turned into a hot make out session and they didn't even saw Hannah and Izzy coming into the room for Izzy's bag. They only broke the kiss when Izzy gasped.

-Okay, we can explain!-Alec shouted and Magnus jumped from the piano.-Well, you saw it...


-That depends how you define lying...-Alec said and Hannah and Magnus giggled.

-I define it as not telling the truth, how you define it big brother?!-Izzy said.

-Um... reclining your body into a horizontal position...? I'll tell you everything but now, me and my boyfriend need to run!-Alec said and they ran out from the choir room.


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