Chapter 16

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Magnus hasn't slept the whole night. He was thinking about what almost happened in auditorium. Why was he walking closer? But most importantly why did he want to kiss Alec? He's straight and Alec probably has a girlfriend. How can a handsome boy like him be a single? Magnus groaned when he heard alarm's uncomfortable sound, despite the fact that he was already awake. He got up, which he really didn't want to, and walked into the bathroom. After that, he walked to the closet and started looking for clothes. After ten minutes, he started putting on blue shirt and black leather pants. He took his bag and went to the kitchen.

-Hey mom.-He said and put the bag down on the floor.

-Hey sweetheart, are you okay? You look tired.-She said worriedly and gave him a cup.

-Ouch, it's hot!-Magnus shouted accidentally when he touched the cup.

-It's tea, what do you expected?-Julia laughed and Magnus started shaking his hand in the air, because it was burning.-Water will help.

-It's okay, and yes, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep much. My whole body hurts because of dancing and...-Magnus thought what reaction she would have if he would tell her, that he almost kissed a boy that he knew for two hours.-New school, new people, it's difficult.

-I know, but you have friends, right? You told me yesterday.-Julia said with sad voice.

-Yes, I do. They're very sweet. I also met one boy, he's not in Glee... He, Um... He plays football.-Magnus said and Julia's face changed. She knew that football players in previous school were treating Magnus very badly.-I know what you're thinking mom, but trust me, he's a very good guy. And he has an amazing voice. I even sang with him.

-You, Magnus Bane, sang with someone? Okay, who are you and what have you done to my boy?-Julia said with surprised look and Magnus couldn't hold back the loud laughter.

-He was kidnapped by aliens, and I'm his doppelganger, my name is Mike.-Magnus said with dramatic voice and they both started laughing.

-You have to go know, or you will be late. Do you want me to take you by car?

-It's okay. I'll walk and don't ask, I'm not hungry.-He said and took the bag from the floor, then kissed Julia on cheek and walked outside. He wasn't living far from the school, it would only take ten minutes to get there. On the way, he noticed a familiar hair.

-Hey, Hannah!-He shouted and girl turned around.

-Magnus? How did you get here?-She laughed and they continued walking together.

-I live there and I decided to walk to school today.-Magnus said and showed her his house. They didn't stop talking even then, when they walked inside the school building. There was ten minutes before first lesson and Magnus also found out that his and Hannah's lockers were next to each other. Magnus had English first, and Hannah had Science.

-Hey Magnus!-Suddenly Quinn came from nowhere. Magnus smiled at her closed the locker's door.-Have you seen Alec? Or you Hannah? I can't find him anywhere.

-How possible can I know?-Magnus said and he was very pale.

-He texted me yesterday, he, his brother and mother are in New York.-Hannah said and looked at Quinn, who was looking at them with wide eyes.-What?

-What is he doing in New York?-Quinn and Magnus asked at the same time.

-He said it had something to do with her sister. He said that she's getting bullied and misses her family, so they're going to come back with her.-Hannah answered.

-Oh my God, Jace is going to be very pissed at him.-Quinn said and Magnus looked at her with confused face.-They've known each other for almost two years, and he didn't even text that he was going to another city. Instead he told a girl, who he knows for one day.

-Hey!-Before Hannah could say anything, Jessica came closer to them and she was holding a Science book too. Hannah smiled and blushed a little bit.

-We got to go, and tell Jace not to be jealous, I'm not going to steal his best friend.-Hannah said with laughter and she and Jessica went to Science class.

-Everyone has gone mad.-Quinn said. Magnus only laughed and walked inside the English class and Quinn went to Math class. It was going to be an exhausting day.

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