Chapter 23

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Alec was feeling like someone was cutting his brain with a penknife. Headache became worse when alarm rang, because it was very, very loud and Alec's wasn't expecting it.

-SHUT THE FUCK UP!-Izzy shouted and threw the alarm on the floor, then covered her face with a pillow, but it was impossible to sleep again.-I swear I will never drink again.

-That's what everyone says after the party, but don't fool yourself, bonfire is tomorrow which means that there will be drinks, so...-Alec said at took the phone to see what time it was.-Iz, it's 7 am, we have to go in thirty minutes. We need to get up.

-There's no way in hell that I'm leaving this bed! No way!-Izzy said and shook her head.

-I don't remember anything. Hope I didn't do anything stupid.-Alec groaned and got up, but it only caused headache to get worse. Somehow, he went to the bathroom and didn't even look in the mirror. When he was done, he returned to the room and got dressed up. Izzy turned around and looked at Alec. Her eyes got wide.

-Oh. Dear. Lord! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!-She suddenly forgot about the headache or hangover, she literally flew from bed and rushed to Alec. He was standing there like an idiot and could understand why was Izzy acting so weird.-WHO DID THAT?

-Who did what?-Alec looked at her, still confused but instead of answering, Izzy started laughing loudly. Alec rolled his eyes and walked to the mirror. He froze when he saw why Izzy was laughing. His neck and collarbone were literally covered with hickeys. And that's when Alec remembered what happened – Being drunk like hell, going into the room, talking to Magnus, kissing him, asking if he still felt straight, making out, leaving hickeys on Magnus's neck, then switching positions. Alec felt weird feeling in his stomach when he remembered what it felt like kissing Magnus. Izzy noticed that her brother was smiling like an idiot and figured out, who could have left those marks.

-NO FUCKING WAY!-Alec almost jumped out from his skin when Izzy shouted as loudly as she could. Suddenly, before Alec could do anything, Maryse stormed into the room.

-What are you to doing?! You are supp... ALEC WHAT ARE THOSE?-Her eyes winded when she saw what was going on Alec's neck.-Are those bruises? Did you have a fight last night?

-I FELL ON MY NECK!-Alec shouted loudly and looked at Izzy with I-will-kill-you face.

-You fell? On your neck?-Maryse was looking at him like he was crazy. She realized that those weren't bruises, they were hickeys, but she didn't say anything.-Keep your voice down! It's Saturday and Max is sleeping! And you two are going to be late!

-I'm going!-Alec said. He took his bag and phone and rushed out from the house. He didn't even think what was going to happen when he would get to school with those hickeys.

-Mom?!-Magnus shouted and ran into the kitchen. He overslept and he had only twenty minutes before the first lesson. He didn't even have time to go to bathroom, he got dressed very quickly and went into the kitchen to see if Julia was there, if not, he would have to walk to school. Magnus only found a letter, it was from his mom saying that she needed to go early. Magnus groaned and went outside. He walked quickly because he needed to go to choir room before first lesson. When he walked into the building, he saw Alec and remembered what happened. Seeing Hannah and Jessica and also Lukas and Philip making out, then going into a room and... "OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" – Magnus thought and ran into the choir room so Alec wouldn't notice him, but he didn't know that Alec was also coming in the choir room, because he talked to Mr. Schue and now, he was in Glee too.

-Magnus, have you seen Al... JESUS, WHAT ARE THOSE?!-Quinn said and looked at Magnus with wide eyes. Magnus took his phone and almost had a heart attack when he saw so many hickeys.-What happened yesterday? Who was it?

-I... Um...-Before Magnus could come up with a good lie, Alec walked into the room. Quinn looked at him, then at Magnus, then at Alec again and suddenly she realized. Before she could say anything, Magnus went to one corner of the room and Alec went to another.

-Guys, good news. Alec has joined the Glee.-Mr. Schue said and everyone cheered from excitement.-We only have a few minutes, so let's sing and talk after the lesson, okay?

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