Chapter 39

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-Doctor Lightwood, Catarina Loss called. She said that it's emergency and she needs to talk to you!-Suddenly, intern ran into the operating room.

-Jessamine, you can see that I don't have time for girl talk, right? Tell doctor Loss that I will call her as soon as I'll save this young man's life.-Maryse said and continued trying to save young boy's life. Jessamine was standing there and breathing heavily, not because Maryse was rude to her, because she needed to talk to Cat, Jessamine couldn't tell her that there was a shooter in the same school as her two child, Maryse would have a heart attack.-Jessamine, you heard me.

-It's about you children...-Jessamine said before she could stop herself.

-Max? Cat is a doctor, she knows what to do when a child has a flu...-Maryse laughed a little and didn't even look at Jessamine, who started crying.-Can you leave the room now?

-It's about Alec and Isabelle. And school, something happened...-Jessamine said with low voice and finally Maryse looked at her. She got very nervous when she saw that young girl was crying.

-What about Isabelle and Alec? What happened at school? Are they okay?-Maryse asked and looked at other doctor.-Finish the surgery, I need to go.

-Wait, what's going on at school? Helen is there too.-Eleanor said when she realized that was Jessamine saying. Three of them rushed outside and Maryse took phone, which wasn't stop beeping. When she answered, she heard Cat's terrified voice.

-Cat, what's going on at school?!-Maryse got more nervous when she heard that Max was yelling something and sobbing and that TV was turned on maximum volume.

-Please, don't panic, police are on their way, so is ambulance...-Cat said with scared voice.

-CAT, WHAT POLICE AND AMBULANCE? WHAT IS GOING ON AT SCHOOL?!-Maryse yelled, which caused everyone to look at her.-SOMEONE TURN THE TV ON!

-Maryse, someone at school has a gun. There was a shooting.-Cat said with low voice, and Maryse felt how her heart stopped. She was standing there, frozen and could only hear Cat's words. She noticed only then that paramedics and doctors were running outside.

-Minutes before first lesson there was a shooting and it's known that there's only one student who got shot, Spanish teacher and also mentor of Glee club, William Schuester called 911 and said that football player was shot close to hip, but before he could say his name, there was another shooting. We don't know if it's only one person who planned this attack or more, but police and ambulance are on the way...-Man said and looked through the camera.

-I need to got here, Eleanor, will you come with me?-Maryse said with shaky voice. Eleanor nodded and after taking off clothes that they're usually wearing at surgery, they ran outside and got in Maryse's car.-Isabelle and Alec asked me to let them stay home today...

-So did Helen, but I thought that it was because of that stupid chemistry test, I should've let her, now she would be safe.-Eleanor cried and continued calling and texting her daughter. Maryse wiped her tears away to see road clearly and called Izzy, then Alec. None of them were answering. She also left message to Alec to call her as soon as he could.

-We're here.-Maryse said and stopped the car. They ran to the schoolyard, but both of them knew that no one would let them go inside the building.

-Do you even know who is the shooter? Do you know who got hurt or where are kids hiding?!-Maryse shouted at cop, but not because she was angry at him for not letting her save her children, because this was the only way not to have heart attack.

-All we know is that three boy got hurt, two are football players and one is in dance class.-Now it was impossible for Maryse not to have panic attack, but she still continued talking.

-Do you know who the boys are?-Maryse asked and started praying that that boys weren't Magnus and Alec. Cop shook his head and looked at Maryse with helpless look. Suddenly another car stopped and woman ran in the schoolyard. She and Magnus were very alike, Maryse guessed that she was Magnus's mom. Maryse walked to her and said that she was Alec's mother and that boys were friends. After a few minutes Luke, Celine and Chris's mother walked into the schoolyard. Maryse told them everything and then there was another sound of gunshot, but this time it continued for at least two minutes, there was also desperate scream.

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