Chapter 19

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Alec's heart was beating out from his chest. Izzy was still busy talking to Unholy Trinity, of course he was happy she made friends in ten minutes, but he desperately needs her help now.

-Mr. Schue, I think we should do an original song on Regionals, we won like that last year.-Rachel said and drew everyone's attention. Alec was a little confused, because he has no idea about show choir competitions, so he looked at Magnus so he could explain.

-We have to win every competition, otherwise we will have to disband the club.-Magnus explained, but it was hard for Alec to realized what he told him, because Magnus whispered and his lips were very close to Alec's ear.

-I don't want to disappoint you, Rachel, but we don't need original song to win Regionals, and then Nationals. We need new voices... and yes, that means that you may have a less solos.-Mr. Schue said before Rachel could protest. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arm in front of her chest. Finn laughed a little because of her behavior and to calm her, he placed his hands on her shoulders. Then something happened. Alec was terrified that this moment would come.-And... We might have a new voice. I heard Alec and Magnus singing in auditorium day before yesterday. I didn't know that Magnus could sing, but most importantly, I was shocked when I heard Alec's voice. Don't you want to try and sing again?

-NO!-Alec said way loudly than he wanted.-I can't sing with people.

-Then who is Asian boy? A potato?-Santana said from the across the room.

-He has a name you know?!-Alec said harshly and saw how Magnus smiled because of his sentence.-I mean, I can't sing when someone is watching. I don't even know why I sang then.

-Okay! I will sing!-Suddenly Izzy stood up quickly, because she knew that Alec was getting uncomfortable. Everyone looked at her with confused look.-What? He's not the only one who's talented in family. And, I've been working on this song since they came here and I had nothing to do in New York. Don't go there, everything is boring and Broadway is dead.

-DON'T YOU DARE!-This was Rachel.

-YOU JUST DESTORYED MY DREAMS IN THREE SECONDS.-This was Kurt. Everyone, including Mr. Schue started laughing because of their sentences, only siblings were looking at them with confused look. Magnus noticed that and stopped laughing.

-Rachel's and Kurt's dream is to preform on Broadway stage, so please don't crash their dreams.-He said loudly. After a few seconds, there was silence in room.

-So, what are you going to sing, Isab... Izzy?-Mr. Schue asked and Izzy smiled at everyone.

-Back to black By Amy Winehouse.-She said and everyone looked at Santana. No one was daring to sing Amy's any song because they knew that Santana would kill them.

-Don't worry, she can't be better than you.-Alec heard Brittany's voice and smiled like a mean girl. They don't know Izzy, they have no idea. Izzy was going to start singing, when someone suddenly stormed into the room. A boy Alec noticed on the first day, with a redhead.

-Sorry I'm late. Clary was choosing outfit for hours, just because of that jerk Jac... Hey...-He stopped talking about Jace as soon as he saw Alec sitting there.-Did a quarterback join Glee?

-Simon, stop talking, please. You're getting on my nerves!-Puck said and Simon rolled his eyes.

-Hey, I'm Isabelle. And this is my brother... but you already know him.-Izzy told Simon, who was hypnotized and was only looking at her. He only came back to reality, when Alec coughed loudly. Magnus giggled because of Simon's and Alec's reactions.

-I'm Lewis. Simon, Simon Lewis, two first names, am I still talking?!-Simon was saved by Finn, who grabbed him by the arm and made him sit down on the chair. Izzy giggled, because of her effect on boy, and started singing. As soon as she said the first words, everyone started looking at her with shocked face, including Magnus and Mr. Schue.

-Isabelle, welcome to Glee club.-He said and started clapping his hands like everyone else. Even Santana was looking her with amazed face. Suddenly Alec got a message from Hannah.

*Where on the fucking earth are you?!?!*-With angry emojis.

*Choir room. and please come here and save me or Magnus will be the end of me!*-Alec typed after being sure that Magnus wasn't looking. Hannah said that she would be there soon.

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