Chapter 38

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Izzy was in the bathroom, standing on the toilet and praying that this hell would end soon. Who could've brought freaking gun in school? Why? She was standing there, alone, crying, trying to hold back sobs, and praying, that her big brother was okay. She knew that he was in the choir room, and she knew that Mr. Schue was there too, but she was afraid because Magnus wasn't there. Izzy saw him walking to the boy's locker room, she wanted to go after him and ask what he was doing there, but before she could, she heard shooting sound. Then, suddenly Hannah took her hand and dragged her and Santana in the bathroom. She couldn't even see if Simon was there, or Maia, or Clary and Sebastian. Clary was probably with Jace, he wouldn't leave her side, but what about Simon and others? What about Magnus? Was he safe?

Izzy knew that Alec would lose his mind if something happens to Magnus. If something happens to him and Alec will not be able to tell him how much he loves him. Izzy knew that Alec would leave that choir room just to find Magnus and that's what scared her.

Suddenly, her phone started buzzing, but she couldn't get it out from her pocket. When she finally did, there was another shot and she got so scared, she let the phone go and it fell in the toilet. There wasn't point to get it, it was already dead. Suddenly, someone ran into the restroom. Izzy saw that it was boy, he didn't give a fuck that this was girl's restroom.

-No, no, no, no!-Boy whispered with desperate voice and Izzy recognized that voice.

-Philip?-She whispered and got closer to the wall.

-Izzy? What are you doing here?-He asked with confused voice.

-NO, NO! PLEASE!-Before Izzy could answer someone shouted from the hallway and then there was another shot. Izzy covered her mouth with her hand, to not scream from fear. She wished that Maryse would've let them stay home today, they would still be worried about their friends, but at least siblings would know that they were safe. All Izzy wanted right now, was to ran in the choir room and hug Alec, like it was the end of the world. Run to him and tell him that no matter how fucking annoying he is, Izzy still loves him with her whole heart.

Magnus was sitting on the floor, in the boy's locker room. His phone's battery died last night and Magnus forgot it this morning while it was charging. He didn't see Alec's message, he thought that he would be in the locker room and without checking the choir room, he went to locker room. But when he walked inside, Alec wasn't there, only Jace, Clary, Evan and other jocks. Magnus's first thought was what was Clary doing in boy's locker room, but then he remembered what Alec told him about Clary and Jace being together. Magnus was going to walk out and go to choir room, when suddenly there was a gunshot and scream.

-Magnus! Get down!-He was paralyzed for a few seconds, but Evan almost slapped him in the face and helped him come back to reality. He dragged him to the wall behind the lockers and told him to stay quiet. Clary and Jace were sitting there too. Clary was crying and Jace was trying to calm her, but how could he calm her when he was almost having a panic attack?

-What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in choir room?-Evan asked and wiped his tears away, but right after he did it, new ones made a way down on his cheeks.

-I was looking for Alec, I thought he would be here.-Magnus whispered.

-Where's he? Is he safe?-Suddenly Jace spoke and Magnus looked at him with wide eyes. Since when does he talks to Magnus or cares where Alec is.-Don't look at me like that. Despite the fact that he's gay, he's still my best friend. I still love him and I still care about him.

-Ho... How do you know that he's gay?-Magnus asked with confused voice.

-Come on, I'm not blind. He looks at you like you're the whole world, like you're the best thing that has ever existed, and for Alec, that's true. You're his world. He loves you. I might not be very comfortable with him being gay, but if this is my last day in this goddamned world, I don't want Alec to remember me as a total asshole.-Jace said and looked at him with teary eyes.-I know, we don't know each other well, but promise me one thing. If something happens to me, take care of him. Love him like he loves you. Please. He deserves happiness, he deserves you.

-I love him more than myself, I will do everything to him.-Jace smiled at Magnus and he noticed that Rachel and Kurt were there too. "God, Please. I need to tell Alec that I love him. Please..."

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