Chapter 11

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-Are you going to tell mom today?-Izzy asked after a few minutes. Alec sighed and nodded.

-When she'll get home from work. I almost changed my mind but why should I keep this kind of secret from her? She's my mom, she'll understand... right?

-Of course she will! Don't ever doubt her love for us, Alec. Your sexuality will never change that you're her son.-Izzy smiled and Alec knew that she was telling the truth, but he was still scared.

-Dad hated me. Well, he will when he'll find out.-Alec said and Izzy looked at him with wide eyes. Alec already knew what she was going to say.- It doesn't matter that he's my dad and that I'm he's son, when he'll find out, he will hate me, like I'm some disgusting disease.

-Maybe he will struggle with getting over with it, but he won't hate you Alec. Family loves each other.-Izzy said with soft voice. Alec was going to say something but there was a knock.

-I think it's mom. She said that she would be home early today.-Alec answered and got up to open the door.-How am I supposed to tell her? Just like... tell her immediately?

-Hey mom, how was your day? Mine was good too, and by the way, I'm gay.-Izzy said quickly and Alec rolled his eyes, but still smiled at his baby sister.-I'm gonna go now and don't be scared. She's our mother, she will always stand by us. And about me coming to Ohio...

-I'll talk to her and then I'll text you. I think she will call dad but you will have to talk to him too.-Alec said and Izzy nodded. Then she hung up and Alec walked to the door, or Maryse would've break it. She was looking at Alec with exhausted and confused face.

-Where have you been? -She said and walked to the kitchen.-Did you and Max have a fight?

-What? No, why would you think that?-Alec said and Maryse gave him her phone. It was message from Max - ALEC IS AN ASSHOLE!

-I told him not to use that word but he's not listening!-Alec said and gave Maryse her phone.-I told him that if he would say that word again and you would hear, I would kick his ass.

-Alec! We don't threaten him, especially now. Something is going on and he's not telling me.-Maryse said and after washing her hands, she opened the fridge's door.-There's nothing but want some bacon and eggs? It's afternoon but lets pretend that it's morning. How was he first day by the way? Did Luke tell you what I asked him to?

-First day was kind of cool but in the end, it sucked. And yes, Luke did tell me. Why did I find out only now that my baby sister is suffering because of dad?!-Alec raised his voice but he didn't care, because the door was closed, so Max couldn't hear anything.

-First of all, Alexander, low your voice. Second, I just found out too and third, she isn't suffering because of your father, she just misses you and us...

-And she is in New York because dad cheated on...-When Alec noticed how Maryse's look changed, he wanted to punch himself in face for hurting his mother.-Mom, I'm sorry.

-Don't be, you're right. But you have to believe that he still loves you and Izzy and Max. whatever happened between me and Robert, I don't want it to be the reason why you don't talk to him anymore.-Maryse said softly and Alec inhaled deeply. Now or never.

-Mom... The reason why I'm avoiding him is not because of that... Well because of that and there's something else too.-When Maryse saw how worried Alec was, she got nervous too and set down in front of him in the chair.-I've been keeping this secret since I was ten and I never wanted you two to find our because I was worried that I would disappoint you. Or worse, dad would hate me, that was the least I wanted and I'm still afraid what he will think when he'll find out. That's why I'm telling you first, because I know... I hope that you will understand...

-That you're gay? I know. I knew since you were a little. You're never looked at girls and at first I was afraid what you're father would think but when I talked to him, he told me that he knew too. Alec, you're our boy, and we love you no matter if you like boys or girls. You didn't disappoint us, Robert said that he would always love you, and you know what he thinks about gay people. Nothing could ever change a parents love for their child. I wanted to talk to you about this earlier with Robert but we wanted you to talk to us when you would be ready.

-Mom...-This was all Alec could say before he started crying. It wasn't because he was sad, it was because even Robert accepted him. Maryse smiled and hugged Alec very, very tightly.

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