Chapter 14

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-No, Aline! I don't want to go to that freaking party, leave me alone!-Izzy shouted.

-Jeez, you're the most popular girl and you're not coming to the most popular boy's party, what the hell Isabelle?! And Raphael likes you, so get your ass up from that couch and come with me!

-My brothers and mom are going to come today and I told Alec that I was getting bullied at school, so what do you think he will say when he finds out that I lied to him to take me to Ohio? And meanwhile I'm drunk and dancing at the party?-Izzy said and Aline looked at her with puppy eyes.-Aline don't look at me like that! No! I won't come!

-Please, Izzy, please. We will come back soon, and he won't find out! Please! This will be your last party in New York, who knows, maybe you will make out with Raphael too.-Aline said and started wiggling her eyebrows.

-I hate you!-Izzy shouted and started hitting her with a pillow.-Fine! But no word with Alec!

-Yes! Finally! I promise I won't say anything!-Aline shouted and girls ran into Izzy's room.

Max wasn't saying anything for a few minutes, and Alec was getting angrier and angrier. That's why he's thinking that Maryse and Robert won't want him anymore. Kids are telling him stuff like this. Max noticed how angry Alec was getting and shook his head quickly.

-No, no one knows and they're not saying anything!-Of course he was lying again.

-Max, that is bulling! We have to tell mom! They're telling you stuff that makes you think that something is wrong with you.-Alec said and tried his best not to explode.

-But not right now. Let me come out first, please Alec, don't tell anyone. Not yet.-Alec knew that Max would start crying again, he could see it in his eyes, so he inhaled deeply and nodded.

-Fine, but promise me that no matter what they will tell you, at school I mean, you will always believe that we love you.-Alec said and smiled softly at his little brother. Max nodded and took a book from a nightstand.-I'm going to tell mom that you will come with us.

-Okay.-Max said with low voice, because he was in book. Alec rolled his eyes, but laughed too and walked out from the room. he closed the door and went to kitchen.

-Dear lord, mom what heavenly dish are you making?!-Alec asked loudly, because there really was heavenly smell in kitchen. No matter how tired Maryse was coming home, she was always making something so she could see her kids happy.

-Lasagna, it's Monday. We have lasagna on Mondays, remember?-Maryse said and Alec helped her to put plates down on the table.-Did you talk to Max? is he alright?

-He wants to tell you something. Well not only you, dad and Izzy too, it's very important, I think we have to take him with you in New York, so he can tell you all...-Alec answered and Maryse raised a eyebrow.-Mom, it's very important.

-But Alec, he's afraid of heights.-Maryse said and sighed.

-I know, but I was thinking and if we buy a airplane ticket, which leaves at midnight, Max will be half asleep and he won't even realize what happened, we will already be in New York.-Alec said and sat down on the chair.-MAX! FOOD IS READY!... So, what do you think?

-Okay, we'll do like that.-Maryse said with smile and Max ran into the room.

-LASAGNA! YES! MOM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!-Max shouted happily and sat down on the chair quickly.-Oh my God, this is delicious!

-Don't talk when you're eating Maxi.-Maryse said softly and it was impossible for Alec to hold back smile.-Also, Alec and I talked and we will take you with us to New York.

-But we're going by plane, so we decided to buy the plane ticket which leaves at night. You will sleep in plane and won't pee in your pants.-Alec said with smirk. Maryse sighed but also laughed, because she knew that Max wouldn't leave Alec alone because of that sentence.

-I DON'T PEE IN MY PANTS, ASSHOLE!-Max said and Alec and Maryse looked at him with wide eyes.-What? I don't pee in my pants! And please, don't do that. I want to see sky!

-Fine, but don't say that word again, promise? I bought tickets, we have to go in one hour, so we have to hurry.-Maryse said and put her phone down. They got in the plane very soon. He was listening to music the whole one hours and twenty minutes, and he was thinking about Magnus. Does he thinks about Alec right now? Does he still want to be friends with him? 

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