Chapter 25

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-Together? As...-Alec could shut himself up before he could say couple.-Friends?

-Yeah, did you think something else?-Magnus looked at him with confused face but he didn't know if he wanted Alec to think as couple too or not. Alec looked at him like an innocent angel.

-What? No, of course not...-He said with a cute smile and Magnus was going to ask him if that was the answer of first question or second one, but before he could, Finn walked beside them.

-Lightwood, we have practice, so be there on time before boys kick your ass!-Finn said and walked to the hallway with Puck. Alec rolled his eyes and looked at Magnus.

-I... Look, Magnus I would love to but... I already asked someone. Actually, I asked her weeks ago and...-Before Alec could continue, Magnus smiled and nodded.

-I understand. You're man of your word. It's okay.-Magnus said with a soft voice and walked out from the choir room so Alec wouldn't tell him any more lie. He had geography with Hannah and suddenly Hannah started talking about last night, how Magnus saw her and Jessica making out. They talked about Hannah's crush on Jess for a while and then Magnus asked how did she figure out that she was bisexual. Hannah answered that she liked boys for her whole life, but in previous school, there was one girl she was friends with and after a few weeks she figured out that she didn't want to be just friends with her. When she came out to her parents, they were very cool about it, but then her father left. She thought that it was because of her sexuality, but her mom told her that he was having an affair. So, she helped Magnus figure out on the geography that he's a bisexual. She also told him that Alec is nothing but a gay. So, he knew that Alec lied when he told him that he already asked one girl out. He figured out that Alec was afraid of coming out, so was Magnus, he was also afraid to tell this to his mom, but why lying to him? Magnus knew what happened to Kurt last year and he wasn't sure if he was ready to go through that too. But, everything went fine with Kurt. He even met one boy, Blaine, who's in still Dalton and who's also Alec's friends. Quinn told him that...

-Hey, hey. Lydia!-Alec shouted and ran to the cheerios. Lydia was talking to Izzy and Brittany.

-Hey, Alec. Everything okay? You look like you ran the whole Ohio.-She laughed and Alec tried to steady his breathing, because he ran the whole school to get to the field. He didn't even go to the locker room, but he saw that Jace and Chris were looking at him with angry eyes.

-Will you go to the bonfire tomorrow with me?-Alec asked quickly.

-I would love you, but Jordan asked me yesterday and I'm going with him...

-Jordan? Isn't he with Maia? She's one of my friends, I'll introduce her to you at lunch, Izzy.-Alec said and Lydia answered that Maia and Jordan broke up in summer. She didn't want to go with him, but they were friends since forever so she couldn't say no.

-LIGHTWOOD! SERIOUSLY?! GET READY!-Coach shouted and Alec disappeared from the field like a flash and ran into the locker room. No one was there, except Jace and Chris. Alec was getting ready very quickly and didn't notice that boys were looking at him with angry eyes.

-Glee club? Seriously Alec?-Jace shouted and Alec looked at him with shocked face.

-I beg your pardon?-He said with low voice, but instead of answering Jace pushed him against his locker. Jace was standing very close to him and it was scaring Alec.-What the hell, Jace?!

-I saw you singing and jumping around like an idiot with those losers. Isn't it enough that Finn and Puckerman are there?! And what's up with dancing with that new stupid kid?

-Watch you mouth, Herondale! Best friends or not, I will still kick your ass!-Alec couldn't hold back when he said that about Magnus and he shouted at Jace. Chris wasn't saying anything.

-So, now you're guardian angel in school? What's next? Becoming fag?-Boys looked at Jace with wide eyes and before Chris could say anything to stop Alec, Jace was on floor, Alec was sitting on him punching him in the face and shouting cursing words at him.

-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, LIGHTWOOD?!-Suddenly coach, Finn and Puck came from nowhere and pulled Alec off Jace. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth. Finn and Puck were holding Alec, so he wouldn't try to kill Jace again, Chris helped Jace stand up and coach Ladouceur was standing in the middle.-Principal's office! Right now! Both of you!

-Screw this. Screw all of this. I'm done!-Alec shouted. He took his clothes and walked out. Boys were looking at him with shocked faces.

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