Chapter 15

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-Alec, we're here!-Max said very loudly, almost shouted, that people looked at him with wide eyes, but started laughing when little boy blushed and hid his face in big brother's chest.

-Oh my God, I've missed New York.-Alec said when they stepped out from the airport. They got in familiar yellow taxi and went to their old house. Alec's heart was beating very fast and so was Max's. Alec told him not to worry but he was still very nervous.

-Coming!-They heard Robert's voice, when Alec knock for the third time. He knew that they were coming but when he opened the door, he was still shocked.

-Hello, Robert.-Maryse said with confident voice and walked into the house.

-Where's Isabelle?-Alec asked after answering Robert that he was fine.

-She went to her friend's house, I know why you're asking, I'll write you the address.-Robert said and wrote Raphael's house's address on the paper. Alec thanked him and walked outside again. He got in the taxi, again and told him the address. He thought that it would be a girl's sleepover, but he could hear music from the miles away. He paid and got out from the car. Alec was confused, why would Izzy go to a party, if she was getting bullied? He walked inside and started looking for his little sister. He did find her, in the living room, on the stage, singing.

-TIK TOK ON THE CLOCK, BUT THE PARTY DON'T STOP, OH!-She was yelling or singing, Alec couldn't tell and she was also dancing on a stage, shirtless. She froze and accidently dropped the mic, when she saw Alec. She told Aline that Alec was there and walked to him.

-Hey, big bro...-She smiled stupidly and started putting her shirt back on.

-Are you drunk? ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!-Alec roared and walked outside with Izzy, who was very, very drunk. She is in very big trouble!

-Did you come here alone? Or is mommy with you? What about Maxi?!-Izzy was acting like a five years old kid and it was getting on Alec's nerves!

-Damn it, where is the cab?-He groaned and rolled his eyes.

-Alec, I've missed so much! You're the best big brother! Please don't leave me again!-Izzy said loudly and started crying.-I'm so sorry that I lied! I'm sorry Alec.

-WHAT?!-Alec shouted but regretted in few seconds, when Izzy started crying harder.-I'm sorry Izzy... What did you lie to me about?

-I'm not getting bullied at school. I'm actually very popular head cheerleader, every boy wants to be with me but I wanted to be with my mommy and brothers, so I lied because I knew you would come here to take me to Ohio.-Izzy said between sobs.-I'm so sorry, Alec.

-Oh my God, Izzy! You could have told me that you wanted to be with us! And stop apologizing because you drank more than you should've!

-I didn't only drink, Alex, I smoked something too. It was amazing!-Izzy said and started laughing. When Alec heard these words, his eyes got wide.

-YOU DID WHAT?!-Alec shouted loudly.

-I. SMOKED. A. JOINT.-Izzy said and started laughing loudly.

-Mom and dad will kill you Isabelle! What the hell were you thinking?!-Alec said angrily and he noticed her red eyes only then.-Please, tell me that you didn't sleep with a dick jock.

-I don't know, but If I did, I hope it was Raphael. Alec, he's so hot! Even you will want to fuck him! Oh, wait! You already want to fuck someone, don't you?! Magnus, right?!

-JESUS, ISABELLE! SHUT THE FUCK UP!-Alec shouted and thanks the angel, taxi came from somewhere. It took them ten minutes to get to house and Izzy fell asleep on the way. Alec paid the driver and got out, he was also carrying Izzy.

-She fell asleep on the way. I think we have to stay here for one day, mom.-Alec said when he went into house. He walked to Izzy's room and lied her down on the bed. Then took her 7 inch heels off. When he saw that she was hugging a teddy bear, that Alec gave her on her 10th birthday, he could help but smile a little. He missed his baby sister so much...

-Alec, can I sleep with you?-Max asked when Alec walked into his old room.-Mine is very scary.

-Of course Maxi.-Alec answered, and because it was late and he was very tired, he got in the bed. Max was laying next to him but then he hugged Alec and continued sleeping like that.

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