Chapter 21

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Alec was sitting in front of the table in the kitchen, when suddenly Izzy stormed inside.

-So, what are you wearing today? Don't say anything black or I will cut you with this kitchen knife!-She said and looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. Alec pretended that he didn't hear I and continued doing his history homework.-Alexander Don't ignore me!

-What am I going to wear? And who told you that I'm even coming?-Alec answered with question and didn't even look at her. Izzy groaned and took Alec's laptop from the table.-ISABELLE! FOR ANGEL'S SAKE! GIVE ME THE LAPTOP BACK!

-No! Magnus sang that song to you, he thinks you and Hannah are dating, she told me that, so you need to come with me and explain to him that you're single. Maybe you two will make out or something. And have I told you that I'm cheerio?-Izzy said proudly and before Alec could congratulate to her, she continued talking.-Come on, you can't die a virgin! I won't allow it!

-You don't have any idea what will happen to me if someone finds out that I'm gay right? Not even my best friends know anything about my sexuality, because I'm scared that I will have to leave the team and then I will lose scholarship. You of all people should know that we don't have enough money mom to pay for your college. Don't try to make me come here, because if something happens between me and Magnus, I know that I will want more and that will lead to me coming out. Now, give me my laptop back so I can finish my homework, in my bedroom, in peace.-Alec said. Izzy give Alec his laptop back, who started walking to his room.

-I hate the fact that finally you liked someone who likes you back, and you're not even explaining to him that you're not dating a girl, who by the way is your real best friend because she was by your side when she realized that you liked a boy. I'm really disappointed in you Alec, I thought you of all people would never give up and never be ashamed of who you are.-Izzy said with sad, angry and disappointed voice and because Alec was standing there dumbfounded, she went out from the kitchen quickly. Alec went to his room and tried to finish his homework, but he couldn't concentrate, Izzy's words were echoing in his head - "I'm really disappointed in you Alec, I thought you of all people would never give up and never be ashamed of who you are". Alec wasn't ashamed of who his was, he never would be, he was just afraid what would happen if someone really found out, especially Jonathan or Bryce or Karofsky. He also knew that there would be only one way to prove to everyone that he was straight, by hurting Magnus's feelings. He may know him for only three days, but breaking his heart is the least thing he wants to do.

-Iz, are you here?-Alec asked and knocked on bathroom door. After a few seconds, door opened and Izzy came out with wet hair and towel around her body.-Fine. I will come.

-REALLY?!-Izzy shouted like a five years old kid.-But what about Max?

-Mom will be home soon. we have to leave in an hour, so go get ready.-Alec answered. Izzy went to room to get ready and Alec went to explain everything to Max. After twenty minutes, Maryse came home and only told them to be careful, because Alec already was an adult and he would take care of Izzy. They went to Justin's house by Maryse's car. Izzy was wearing a 7-inch heels and Alec was afraid that she would fall down on the way, but he also knew that they would drink, so they would have to leave car there. Alec stopped the car and looked at Izzy.

-Please don't dance shirtless in front of the entire school again.-Izzy punched him in the arm.

-I'm wearing a dress, which means if I want boys to see me only in my bra, I will have to show them my underwear too.-Izzy said and walked closer to house.-And we are both drinking.

-What else were you going to do? Sit and read a book? OR were you expecting me to do that?! Izzy, I'm not eighty years old! I can have fun too!-Alec said and they went inside. Izzy saw Santana and Glee kids standing together and started walking closer to them, but Alec saw his teammates and he couldn't decide where to go. Jace noticed him and give him a sign to walk to them, but Alec shook his head and followed his sister. He could feel boys' gaze on him but only thing that calmed him was that Finn and Puck were also standing with Glee kids. After a few minutes, when Hannah and Jessica appeared too, they started drinking and dancing not giving a fuck who was looking. Alec made his decision that he would join Glee. This is who real friends are. He was also looking for Magnus, but he couldn't see him anywhere near...

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