Chapter 54

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Alec inhaled deeply and started walking down to the hallway. Not being trusted by the person that you trust with your life after everything you two have been through, it's way more painful that anyone can imagine who haven't been in the same situation. Alec couldn't even imagine what this would feel like just a few weeks ago. He just wanted to go home. He couldn't stay at school where he could see Magnus anytime.

*What's the point? Tomorrow is Regionals, today we have the last rehearsal, we will meet anyways.*-Alec thought and walked to the principal's office. He needed to talk to him or he wouldn't let him go home. He knocked on the door and after a few seconds, he heard his voice.

-Come in!-Alec sighed and opened the door. Principal Wayland was sitting in front of his desk and there were papers everywhere.-Mr. Lightwood, how can I help you?

-Um... I... I just wanted to ask you... If I could go home?-Alec managed to say and he wanted to punch himself in face because of stuttering. *Since when am I afraid of principal, what the fuck?* He thought and noticed how confused he was looking at Alec.

-Why? You know I can't just let student go home whenever he wants right?

-Yes, I know... I just... Tomorrow is Regionals and then this big football game and I fell a little bit overwhelmed, I also had a fight with my boy... friend... and I'm not feeling well.-Alec said and he was shocked himself when he realized what he has said.

-Um... I'm supposed to call your mom but because you're eighteen... This once, Lightwood, I won't let you go home because of fight with your... boyfriend again.-Principal said and he couldn't even believe himself that he said "boyfriend." Alec sighed in relief, he thanked him and walked out from the office with quick steps. He was walking to the door and was also tying to find keys in his bag, but suddenly he remembered that last person who left the house, so she had the keys. Alec groaned in annoyance when he realized that he had to go back to the choir room where everyone was. He cursed his luck and technically started running to the choir room so he could go to home quickly. Not only he didn't want to see Magnus right now, he was also very hungry because he didn't eat anything at lunch.

-Isabelle, I need... house... keys...-Alec said slowly and he saw that Magnus was there too. Quinn, Jace, Izzy, Magnus and almost everyone as listening to Kurt, who was telling them something very quickly. When Jace looked at Alec, all he could see this time was regret. Regret was also in Quinn's and his sister's eyes.-What is going on here?

-Alec, I'm sorry. I didn't have any right to punch you, especially when I didn't know what happened.-Jace said and started walking towards to Alec but when he saw how cold his eyes were, he stopped immediately. Alec could also see tears is Izzy's eyes.

-And when did that bright realization came into your mind?-Alec asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Kurt sighed and stepped forward.

-I told them everything. I was there when Andrew came, Blaine was with him and we were standing a little far from you guys but I saw very clearly what happened. Andrew kissed you, you pushed him away and even yelled at him because of that.-Kurt said softly and Alec now looked at Magnus, who was looking down to the floor. Alec knew that when he was doing that, he was very ashamed of something. Then Alec looked at Quinn, Izzy and then Jace again.

-I don't care what you know or don't know. None of you trust me enough to know what I would and wouldn't do, especially you Isabelle... They might know me for very short time, but you? You've known me your entire life and you still doubt my loyalty for Magnus. And Magnus, you were saying that you loved me, I only have one question: How can you tell someone that you love him, if deep down you don't even fucking trust him?!-Alec shouted the last sentence and he felt tears in his eyes. He inhaled deeply and turned to look at Mr. Schue.-I'm sorry for letting you down like this, but I don't think that I'm able to sing the song with the person who broke his promise about breaking my heart... I'm sorry.

-Alec, please...-Quinn said with broken voice, but Alec only took keys from Izzy's hand, looked at them with cold and hurt eyes once again, then turned around and walked out from the choir room. All he wanted right now to sleep and escape from all the drama that was going on in his life

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