Chapter 4

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-He's acting so weird. Since when does he go to auditorium?-Chris said with annoyed voice and continued eating his food. Hannah could feel how Jace was looking at her and she was getting a little uncomfortable. So she tried her best to come up with a good argument to leave cafeteria.

-He's not acting weird. He just went to talk to someone, why is that weird?-Hannah suddenly said and stood up. She threw her pizza in trash and then looked at Jace again.-And you're not my type, but you are that redhead girl's. You should flirt with her.

-Damn, someone got rejected.-Chris and Salinas started laughing when Hannah left the cafeteria. Jace looked at them with angry look and got up to left the cafeteria too. Hannah was very proud of herself. She may be bisexual but she doesn't find Jace a good boyfriend type and she also heard a redhead girl, Clary, talking to someone about him. She's madly in love with him and she very kind. Hannah can't do that to her and Jace really isn't her type. She was walking in hallways and had no idea were was the auditorium. Suddenly she saw very pretty girl.

-Excuse me...-Hannah told her and she stopped talking and looked at her with cute smile.-Where's auditorium? I'm a little lost.

-So, you walk till the end of the hallway and then there's a big black door on left, there's auditorium...-She told her with smile and before she could say anything else, she looked at the boy, who was still walking.-Alex, can you at least say hello?! She's new.

-Hello. Now, if you don't want to see Justin, we should go. Jessica, do you really want to see him?!-Alex said with annoyed voice and Jessica rolled her eyes. She smiled at Hannah again and walk quickly to Alex. Hannah was standing there before they walked to cafeteria. She's pretty.

-Jeez Finn! Do you want me to break my nose?!-Rachel shouted loudly, when Finn almost hit her. Alec laughed with low voice and closed the auditorium's door. He could hear Empire State Of Mine by Jay-Z and New Directions were dancing, well were trying to dance, on stage. Only Brittany and Magnus were dancing normally. Alec didn't have any right to say anything about Finn, because he's also a terrible, no, horrible dancer. This choreography needed a fast song.

-Hey, Alec.-Mr. Schue told Alec when he saw him. He was sitting on chair and was looking at kids.-Something's wrong with choreography. I'm going to fall asleep.

-It has nothing to do with choreography, song is slow. Maybe Tik Tok By Ke$ha would be batter.

-You're right. Where have you been the whole twenty minutes, Alec?-Mr. Schue said.

-I was eating in cafeteria...-Alec said with confused voice. Mr. Schue shook his head with laughing and turned Tik Tok, then told kids to try on this one. This one was better.

-This one was good! Wasn't Alec?-Mr. Schue said but Alec could hear anything. Magnus was talking to Rachel but the most important thing, why Alec froze was, he took his shirt off.

*Don't drool... Don't! Oh holy mother of God, he works out!*-Alec thought. But it wasn't only his abs, Rachel was telling him something, and he was laughing like an angel. Alec could feel his own heartbeat in his ears. The only thing he wanted to do now, was to talk to him, but he was scared. What if he says something very stupid? What if Magnus sees him like Bryce of Jonathan? Before Alec's head could explode, he felt that someone was calling him.

-You don't stare to someone like that!-Hannah hissed and looked at Alec's pants.-Especially when this happens! Stop it, before someone notices! Alec!

-I can't control it and stop looking at my...-Before Alec could finish this sentence, Quinn and Magnus were standing in front of them, but now he was wearing a shirt.-H... Hey...

-Are you okay? You're very pale.-Magnus said and Hannah hit Alec in ribs to talk.

-Huh? Um... Yeah. Yes... I'm fine... You're new right?-Alec stuttered and Hannah said "Stop talking" with low voice. Alec thought that Magnus was already thinking that he was an idiot.

-Yes, I'm new. I've heard about you. The famous Lightwood, I didn't think that you were this cute.-Magnus said with warm smile and they looked at him with shocked faces.

-I'm not cute, that ridicules.-Alec blushed and Magnus started laughing.-Magnus, I'm not cute!

-Of course you are. Look at these red cheeks.-Magnus said with huge smile and placed his hand of Alec's cheek. He thought that he would die right there and right now. Wait... What if Magnus is straight? Alec had to thought about this before seeing him, now it was too late.

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