Chapter 68

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As soon as they walked inside, guess who was the first person they saw? Bryce, the one and only. This time, Hannah saw how Alec started to get angry and she needed to take him to class or he would kill Bryce in front of everyone in the hallway.

-Alec, please don't do anything. For my sake, please.-Hannah whispered but before Alec could say anything, Bryce saw them and started walking to them.

-Lightwood, we have practice today, and don't skip it because of your little glee club.-Bryce said with smile on his face and blood was already boiling in Alec's veins. He was trying his best not to explode, but when Bryce turned to Hannah, he just couldn't stop himself.-Hey, Hannah. You look good today... Sexy...

-FUCK YOU!-Alec shouted and threw his bag on the floor. Before Bryce or Hannah could realize what was happening, Alec pushed Bryce against the locker and started punching him in the face. He couldn't think about anything else than the desire of hurting Bryce for hurting Hannah and so many other girls like that. He couldn't even think about how he promised Hannah that he wouldn't do anything to Bryce, all he could think about was punching Bryce in the face with fists. Suddenly, Hannah realized what was going on.

-ALEC!-She shouted his name at the top of her lungs but she didn't dare to move, because she knew that she wouldn't be able to get Alec off Bryce, he is playing football, he is way more stronger than her and especially when he's angry. She saw how students started looking them with shocked face but no one was doing anything. She also saw Jessica and Justin standing next to Lydia and Maia.

-What the hell is going on?-Izzy asked when she walked out from the bathroom and saw people circled around and watching something.-Hey, Magnus! What is going on?

-Have no idea. Where is your brother?-Magnus asked and they started walking quickly to the group of people. Magnus yelled Alec's name when they saw what was going on. Another jock was holding Alec with his arms and Bryce was punching him in the stomach. Izzy was standing there with wide eyes and she didn't manage to come back to reality until Hannah shook her. Magnus ran to the jock, whose name he didn't know and punched him in the arm so he would let go of Alec. Boy groaned in pain and Alec didn't lose any second, as soon as he was free, he attacked Bryce again. Magnus was going to try to get him off Bryce this time, but suddenly, he was on the floor and that jock, he punched a few seconds ago, was looking him with angry eyes.

-Faggot!-He shouted and punched Magnus in the leg, who shouted in pain.-You fucking coward faggot! Here to protect your li...

Before he could finish his sentence, Sebastian came from nowhere and literally threw the boy against the wall and started punching him in the legs, stomach, face.

-I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!-Magnus groaned in pain when he got up as quickly as possible because he heard Alec roaring these words. He turned around and saw Jace holding Alec, who was completely red because of the anger, then Chris, who was stopping Bryce.

-CHRIS!-Magnus heard Quinn's scream when another Bryce's puppy jock came and punched Chris in the stomach, actually in the hip, where he got shot. Chris shouted from the pain and fell down on the floor. Magnus felt anger boiling in his body and before he could stop himself, he ran to that jock and punched in his ribs with leg. He could swear that he heard a sound of bones breaking. Magnus saw how Finn, Puck, Steve, Salinas and even Justin, ran to the jocks to and started punching them so they wouldn't hit someone else. He looked at Alec for a few seconds and saw that he had freed himself from Jace and was hitting Bryce that was lying on the floor, covered in blood. Suddenly, because of losing control, Magnus was now on the floor and whoever he was, was punching Magnus very hard.

-MAGNUS!-Alec shouted when he saw Magnus on the floor. He let go of Bryce and ran to him. He threw the boy on the floor like a bag and helped Magnus get up.-Are you okay?

-WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!-Suddenly, teachers shouted and started stopping boys from hitting each other. When they managed to stop everyone, coach Ladouceur shouted that everyone was going to the auditorium. Everyone was in big trouble. 

(The last chapter coming on Saturday *crying*)

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