Chapter 18

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-Alec! Isabelle! Time for school!-Alec was waken by Maryse's shout and knock on the door. Yesterday, after they returned Maryse and Izzy went to McKinley so she could go to school next day. Izzy was talking to Aline till 3 am, and Alec only slept for four hours, because now his room is Isabelle's room as well. Max's room is too small for two people and Isabelle said no to shearing room with her mom. Alec knew that she said no because Izzy can't sleep till two am. So, he had no other choice than to share his room with his baby sister. Actually, having Izzy's company wasn't that bad. They talked for hours, well Izzy talked, Alec pretended to listen. She asked him to tell her about Magnus, but Alec managed to escape talking about him by telling her that he would introduce her to Magnus tomorrow. Actually, it wouldn't be that hard. There's his plan: Quinn is a cheerleader, so is Izzy, well was at previous school. He will introduce Izzy to Quinn, who will tell her to join cheerios, which is good for Izzy. Then she will find out Glee, and because she has an angelic voice, she will want to join the club, which means that she will meet Magnus, and Alec won't have to meet him!

-ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD AND ISABELLE SOPHIA LIGHTWOOD! GET YOU ASSES UP OR NO STEAK AND SWEET POTATOS FOR DINNER!-Maryse shouted again. As soon as brother and sister heard these last words, they almost fell from the bed.

-WE'RE UP!-They shouted together. Maryse smiled self-satisfied smile behind the door and went to kitchen to make breakfast. Because of Alec's long legs, and because his bed was close to the door, he managed to ran into the bathroom sooner than Izzy. Izzy groaned annoyed and walked to the kitchen, still wearing her pick pajamas.

-Alec is an ass!-Izzy said as soon as she walked into the kitchen.

-Language, Isabelle! And women need at least hour in bathroom and men only five minutes.-Maryse said and Izzy rolled her eyes. When she finished her sentence, Alec walked into the kitchen.-See? Go, and before running into the bathroom, knock on Max's door, he'll wake up.

-He wakes up only with knock on the door? What happened to that kid?-Izzy asked with dramatic voice and walked outside. Alec couldn't help but smile.

-I've missed her more than I thought I did.-He told Maryse. She smiled and him and gave him a kiss on cheek.-Don't you think that dad didn't want her to come?

-Of course. Alec, whatever happened between me and Robert, he will always be your father and he will always love three of you as much as do. He did want Isabelle to stay in New York, but he knew that it would be better for her to be with me and her brothers.-Maryse said. After a few minutes Max walked into the kitchen with Izzy.

-Can't wait to meet Magnus!-Izzy said suddenly and Alec almost choked on his pancake.

-Oh really? Can't wait to meet him either, don't you want to bring him home for dinner, Alec?-Maryse said and everyone looked at Alec, who was shaking his head like a crazy.

-No, well not yet at least. Forget it! and don't you dare say anything suspicious Isabelle, or I will kill you!-Alec hissed and after finishing breakfast, Maryse took them to school.

-Dude, you missed practice yesterday. You just came back to team, you can't do that.-Finn told Alec as soon as they stepped into the hallway. Jace and Chris were standing beside him and Jace was looking at him with angry eyes. Alec knew why, Hannah texted her.

-Okay... Before Jace explodes and my baby sister thinks that my friends are total idiots, I'm going to take her to Quinn for cheerleading stuff. And, Izzy this is Finn, Jace and Chris, guys this is my baby sister Izzy. Where's your girlfriend, you jerk?-Alec asked. They were in choir room.

-Hey, Mr. Schue!-Alec said and drew his attention. Quinn walked to them and Alec explained everything, she and Izzy got close very easily. Alec turned around to walk out, but he bumped into someone. Of course, who else than Magnus? Alec felt how his heart started to beat faster.

-You joined Glee?-Alec shook his head quickly.-Where are you going?

-I have biology. I... Um... I just wanted Quinn to meet my baby sister.-Alec said.

-You aren't going anywhere, because our biology teacher is sick and she's not at school. You're stuck with us, Alexander! And maybe you will want to join us...-Magnus smiled and made Alec sit down beside him. Izzy was talking to Quinn, Santana and Brittany and she didn't even notice that.

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