Chapter 9

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Alec knocked on the door, hoping that someone would be there. He forgot his keys this morning and he was hungry like a wolf. Alec was going to knock again, when door opened.

-Hey Alec.-Luke, Maryse's friend, or more than friend was standing inside. Alec smiled softly and walked inside. He could hear that TV was on and it was showing Nickelodeon. He walked into the living room and saw Max sitting on the couch and eating pizza, while watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Alec took the slice of pizza from the box and Max noticed only then that his big brother was home.

-Squidward is such an asshole!-Max said and Alec looked at him with wide eyes.

-How do you know that word?!-He asked with confused voice and Max rolled his eyes.

-You're calling everyone that. Even you're talking to Jace on phone, you're always telling him that he's and asshole. So are you by the way.-Max said like he was an innocent angel.

-Jesus, Max! Don't say that, especially with mom or I will kick your...

-Alec!-Luke called from the kitchen and Alec inhaled deeply.-Come here.

-Don't say word again, do you hear me?!-Alec said with harsh voice and went to kitchen. Luke was sitting on the chair and he was looking Alec like he did something wrong.

-I wasn't going to, but if he says that with mom she will be very angry.-Alec said before Luke could say anything. He didn't say anything, just laughed and stood up.

-I have to go to police department and don't ever threaten Max, just tell him that it's a bad word.-Luke said and they walked to front door.-Bye Max! Oh, and Maryse called and told me she will come home early today, and she also told me to tell you to call Izzy. I think she has a hard time without you, Max and Maryse and Robert isn't letting her come here.

-What?! She called mom and not me?-Alec said with worried voice.

-I don't know Alec, but she misses you all. Just, call her.-Luke said and Alec nodded. Luke smiled again and went to his car. How didn't Alec notice car before? He closed the door and went to kitchen. Of course there was nothing in the fridge.

-Max, did you eat every slice?!-Alec shouted and groaned when Max told him that he did. He took milk from fridge and started eating cereal. He hates milk, but when there's no other option he has to eat it. Alec took his phone and decided to Facetime Izzy. After five minutes she finally picked up. Alec noticed that her eyes were red and swollen.

-Hey, you finally remembered that you have baby sister!-Izzy said with sarcasm, but before Alec could say anything, Max ran into the kitchen.

-Izzy! I've missed you!-He shouted and set down on Alec's lap so he could see phone.

-I've missed you too Maxi. What's going on in school? Did you find a pretty girl?-As soon as Max heard these words, his face changed and he ran out from the kitchen.

-Is he okay?-Izzy asked with worried voice.-Alec!

-I don't know, he's avoiding me to talk about girls. I've tried but he just tells me to stop or leaves the room.-Alec answered and looked at her.-And what is going on with you? Luke told me that you're having a hard time. Is this has to do something with dad?

-No, Alec. Everything is fine! I'm not 860 kilometers away from my mom, my big and baby brothers. Dad isn't drunk everyday and I'm not getting bullied at school. Everything is fine!

-What?! You're getting bullied at school and dad is drunk?! Damn it Izzy, why didn't you call us?!-Alec said and closed the kitchen door so Max wouldn't hear anything.

-What would you do? Come here and take me to Ohio? That's not how divorce works Alec. And plus, mom almost can't take care of you and Max, I don't want to be a burden.

-Izzy, you're her daughter, you would never be burden! That's it, I'm going to talk to mom and then will come to New York to get you! I won't let you suffer because of dad.

-I'm not suffering, I have Aline! And maybe we should worry about Max.-Alec started thinking how he was acting when he was ten years old. Suddenly a thought hit him like a train.

-Izzy, I think I know what's going on... I think Max is gay.-Alec whispered last sentence.

-What? How can you know? Did he say anything?-Izzy asked with confusion.

-No, but I know because I was acting like that when I was ten. Izzy... I'm gay. And I like one boy...

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