Chapter 56

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-Steve?!-Alec almost shouted from shock when he opened the front door. How did he know where does Alec live? Or there is Izzy? They've already finished the lessons.

-Yeah, Alec. It's me, no one has a hair like me. May I?-Steve rolled his eyes and technically walked inside the house before Alec could say anything. Alec looked at him with wide eyes and closed the door.-Hey, I'm Steve, do you remember me?

-Yeah, the moron who cheated on my sister. I do remember you. You're an idiot, how could you cheat on a girl like my sister, have you seen her?-Max said and gave Steve a death glare. Alec couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing. Steve rolled his eyes again and sat down beside Max, who stood up quickly.-I'm gonna go and do my homework. Good luck, Alec.

-Oh shut up.-Alec laughed. Max laughed a little too and ran to his room. As soon as he closed the door, Alec stopped laughing and looked at Steve.-What are you doing here, Harrington?

-First of all, because I want to win Regionals and we won't be able to do that, if you continue acting like a ten years old girl! Second, I really think you're acting like this because this is your first relationship.-Steve said and took a slice of pizza from the plate. When Alec realized his last sentence, his eyes got way huger than they already were.

-Excuse me? It's none of your goddamned business what is going on in my relationship and why the fuck are you even here? Where is Isabelle?-Alec almost yelled from anger when Steve started talking like a good old friend. Steve sighed, he finished his pizza and stood up.

-Okay, let me make this clear for you. Izzy is with Clary because she feels horrible and she can't face you. Quinn wanted to come but I said that you couldn't be angry to me because I didn't say anything when all of them were accusing you of cheating, so I came to tell you to stop acting like a dickhead and sing that freaking duet with Magnus tomorrow because we all need to win!-Steve shouted last sentence and Alec looked at him with wide eyes.-So, like I said, can you please do us all a favor, and STOP ACTING LIKE A DICKHEAD?! Thank you.

-First of all, I'm not a dickhead, and second I'm not going to sing with a boy who told me that...

-He loves you but he doesn't even trust you and blah blah blah. Yeah, no shit, Lightwood. It hurts, I know. But it's also uncomfortable for me to sing with a boy who beat the shit out of me not very long ago when he found out that I cheated on his sister. So, you will get your ass up and you will sing the fucking song with Magnus tomorrow, understood?-Steve said with commanding voice. Alec blinked a few times and looked at Steve with shocked face.

-Fuck you, Harrington. You can't tell me what I should do. Get the hell out from my house!-Alec yelled. Steve only started laughing because of Alec's reaction, which cause Alec only to get angrier. He grabbed Steve by the collar of his shirt and pinned him on the wall.

-WOAH, WOAH! JESUS!-Steve shouted when his back started to hurt.-You really have an anger issues, don't you... OUCH! LET GO OF ME!

-ALEC, I'M STUDYING!-Max shouted from the room. Alec rolled his eyes and let go of Steve, who stepped from the wall and groaned because of pain.

-You really need a little distraction from all this drama with Magnus.-Steve said.

-Why do you even care? Can you please go so I can get ready for rehearsal?

-Truth be told, I do care. Not about you, I care about Izzy and she cares about you, which makes me to care about you too. And now, we are going somewhere.-Steve said and started walking towards to the door. He rolled his eyes when Alec said that they had a rehearsal in 20 minutes.-Oh come on, Lightwood! You know all the moves, you're not singing the duet, there's no need to go there. We can have a little fun, stop acting like a nine years old kid.

-Ughh, fine! MAX I'LL BE BACK SOON, DON'T SET HOUSE ON FIRE!-Alec shouted.

-Lightwood, please shut the fuck up and get in the freaking car.-Steve said. They walked outside and got in his car. Steve turned the music on. It was Another One Bits The Dust by Queen. After a ten minutes, Steve stopped the car and Alec looked at him with wide eyes when he saw where they were.-You're not even gay! And who goes to club at four pm?

-But I'm bisexual. What did you think, really? That I would take you to playground? Grow up, Alec and have some fun.-Steve said with smirk and dragged Alec in the club.

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