Chapter 55

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Alec decided to walked home instead of going with bus. On the way, he looked down to the watch and realized that Max was finishing school in ten minutes. Usually, Luke was always picking him up and bringing him home, Alec hasn't done it for a long time.

-Hey, Alec. Are you alright?-Luke asked him when Alec called him to say that he would pick Max up from school.

-Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you that I would pick Max up from school. You've been doing it as long as I remember and I haven't done it for a while and maybe Max would be happy.-Alec answered and smiled when Luke said that it was a great idea.

-Are you sure everything is alright? You sound little... upset.-Luke said.

-Yeah, it's just... Magnus and I had a little fight and... I think we kind of broke up.-Alec said sadly and then almost started laughing when Luke gasped. He almost yelled at Alec to figure everything out and get back together and then hung up. Alec shook his head, chuckled and continued walking to Max's school. Because he's in middle school, he goes to different school – Lima North Middle School and when he will finish middle school, he will go to McKinley high school. It wasn't very far from McKinley and Alec told Max that he could walk him to school every morning, but he was always saying that Alec was leaving very early and he would rather to be taken by car with mom. Max has always been very lazy and this always has been the one thing Alec hating in his brother.

Bell rung right after Alec stepped into the schoolyard. Alec was waiting for Max for about five minutes and then he finally stepped out from the building with his two friend - Kit and Ty. Alec didn't know them till two weeks ago, but Max told him that three of them have been friends since the first day of the school. Max saw him quickly and looked at him with wide eyes.

-Alec? What are you doing here? Where's Luke? Don't you have one more lesson?-Max asked this four question in exactly two seconds and Kit and Ty burst out laughing. Max rolled his eyes and gave them a death glare and then looked at Alec again.

-Yes, I'm Alec, your big brother. I'm here to pick you up. Luke is at police department, doing something that's called working. Something happened at school and I needed to come home early. Hey boys.-Alec told boys after answering all of Max's questions. Boys said hi and then bye and started walking on the opposite side. Max sighed when he looked at someone, Alec frowned and found out that Max was looking at boy with brown hair and blondie girl.

-Is that Julian? The boy you like?-Alec said and whispered the last words.

-And his girlfriend, Emma. Let's get out from here.-Max said sadly and started walking. None of them were saying anything the whole way home, but when Alec noticed how sad Max was, he decided to distract him and tell him about Regionals and then football game.

-Okay, what happened between you and Magnus?!-Max asked when they walked inside. Alec looked at him like he had no idea what he was talking about.

-What are you talking about? Nothing happened.-He lied and went to bathroom to wash his hands. Of course, Max followed him to do the same and talk to him too.

-You didn't say a single word about him the whole way home. What happened?-Max said. They walked into the kitchen and Max was running after Alec like a little puppy.-ALEX! TELL ME!

-Fine, just don't tell anyone and don't call me Alex ever again!-Alec said and opened the fridge. He found pizza in the back of the fridge and put it in the microwave.-Magnus and I had a fight. We kind of broke up... Don't tell mom or she won't leave me alone, do you understand me?!

-Ughh, why can't Emma and Julian break up?!-Max said and they walked to the living room when pizza was warm. Alec took the remote and turned on The Fosters on Netflix.-I think I'm a lot like Jude, what do you think Alec?

-Because both of you are gay?-Alec said with smirk on his face and put the plate down. Max rolled his eyes, he took the pillow and started hitting Alec with it. Of course, Alec did the same and the pillow war began. Max was small but he still managed to hit Alec harder. Alec thought that he wouldn't let Max win that easily. He threw the pillows away and started tickling Max, bur he stopped soon because there was a knock on the door. Who can it possibly be?

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