Chapter 35

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Siblings weren't saying anything the whole way home. Sometimes, Alec was trying to start the conversation, but Izzy would look at him with cold look and continue walking. After ten minutes, she took the earphones and started listening to music, so Alec wouldn't talk to her.

*Maybe, she's still angry that I didn't tell her anything about me and Magnus.*-Alec thought and tapped on Izzy's shoulder, so she would pay attention to him.

-What?-She asked coldly and turned the music off.

-Weren't we going to Magnus's? Why are we home?-Alec asked like a dumb five years old. Izzy looked at him like he was really five years old dumb kid, and after rolling her eyes, she knocked on the door. Siblings were expecting that Luke would open the door, but it was Max.

-Maxi? Where's Luke?-Izzy asked and went inside. Alec closed the door and three of them walked to the kitchen. After a few seconds Max complained that he was hungry.

-I'm going to make someth...-Izzy started but boys interrupted.

-NO!-Alec and Max shouted together.

-I'm too young to die!-Max said and boys started laughing loudly. Izzy was looking at them with angry face, then threw the bag on the floor and ran into her room. That's when brothers stopped laughing.-What's wrong with her?

-I have no idea. She's been like this since we've left the café. I'm not sure that she won't kill me if I start talking to her, but guess I have to anyways. Will you tell mom that I love her if I don't make out from that room?-Alec asked Max and kneeled in front of him.

-I'm going to miss you big brother!-Max said dramatically, threw his arms around Alec's neck and hugged him like he was really going to die. After a few seconds, both of them burst out laughing and broke the hug. Max ran into the living room to watch the TV and Alec went to talk to Izzy because he really wanted to know, why was she so upset.

-Iz, open the door.-Alec said loudly, when he tried to open the door. Izzy shouted no very loudly, Alec thought that even Maryse heard.-It's my goddamn room too, Isabelle!

-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!-Izzy shouted and opened the door.

-What on the earth Is wrong with you?!-Alec said with annoyed voice, he walked into the room sand closed the door, so Max wouldn't listen to their conversation. Alec didn't know what as soon as he closed the door, Max ran to their room and started listening to them.

-What are you talking about? Nothing is wrong with me!-Izzy said and sat down on her bed.

-Oh, really? Why did you lie that we were going to Magnus's place for some stupid project, when we don't even have it? Why did you shout in front of twenty people in café? Why did you make them and my friends think that you are crazy?-Alec said angrily. He stood in front of her and crossed his arms on his chest.

-They thought that about me, not you. Why do you care?

-Because you're my sister and it's clear that you're very upset. What's going on? Did Simon do something stupid? Was it Jace? Or any other jock? Because if it was one of them, I swear I will kick their...-Before Alec could finish his sentence, Izzy interrupted.

-Actually, it was you!-She said with cold voice and Alec looked at her with shocked face.

-I beg your pardon? What did I do?-Alec asked with confused voice and Izzy rolled her eyes.

-Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! You've been flirting with Andrew! You almost held his hand too!-Izzy said angrily and Alec looked at her with wide eyes, before bursting out laughing.-Why on the earth are you laughing Alexander Lightwood?!

-First of all, do not call me that, only Magnus is allowed to call me Alexander. Second, what do you think is going between me and Andrew? I just met the guy!-Alec became serous quickly.

-But will that stop you from cheat...-When Alec looked at her with shocked face, she stopped.

-You think I will ever cheat on Magnus? Do you really think I'm that kind of guy? Thank you, Izzy. I would NEVER EVER cheat on Magnus!-Alec said loudly.

-Oh, really? And why?-Is she on her period or something?

-BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!-Alec shouted and now Izzy looked at him with shocked face.-I'M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH HIM AND I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON HIM! NEITHER WILL HE! 

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