Chapter 63

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After congratulating everyone, Alec immediately went to changing room and put his jeans and shirt back on. He wanted to go home as soon as possible. The fact that he could see Magnus anytime and anywhere was killing him. The pain he was feeling was unbearable, he had no idea how he managed not to have a break down in that stage when he was singing with Clary, Jace and Magnus. On the second song, he wasn't really singing, he was just whispering lyrics, because he just couldn't let out a word out. Being so close to Magnus but not being able to talk to him, hug him, kiss him, or trust him for God's sake, was killing Alec. But the most painful thing was when he was realizing what Magnus has done. Another thing that was breaking Alec's heart was that, he couldn't imagine that a person he fell in love with, a person he thought he knew more than anyone would do such a thing to him. He thought that he actually knew Magnus and he could never imagine that he would be cheated on by him of all people.

Alec put the outfit on the chair, because he knew that Rachel would take care of all of the outfits and took his stuff from the desk. Before leaving, he looked in the mirror and realized only then, that there was a waterfall on his cheeks again. He sighed sadly, try to ignore the pain in his stomach and heart, dried his tears and walked out from the changing room. He was trying to stay invisible, because he really couldn't talk to anyone, not even Izzy. He sneaked out from the school and breathed in relief when he felt cold air of January hitting his face. He looked down and started walking to his car. He was going to open the door when suddenly, he felt hand on his shoulder. He sighed and turned around.

-Are you okay?-It was Hannah. Alec already hated this question because he knew that from the day on, everyone would always ask this even though the answer was obvious.

-No... No, I'm not.-Alec knew that he didn't have to hide his feelings from Hannah, she was his best friend. So, he breathed out those words and tears made their way down on his cheeks again when he closed his eyes. Hannah didn't know what was going on, but she knew that something was seriously wrong when Alec was crying in front of someone.

-Oh, Alz...-Hannah whispered and opened her arms to hug Alec. One night, when Alec was in New York and Hannah was missing him like crazy, she suddenly stuttered and called Alz instead of Alec. Alec almost died with laughter when he saw Hannah's face when she realized what she has said. It was good time when Alec still didn't know what Magnus has done. They were standing there for a few minutes and Alec was crying on Hannah's shoulder.

-Can you please drive, Hannie Bear?-Alec sobbed and Hannah looked at him with sad smile because of her nickname. When she called him Alz a few times, he said that he had a nickname and he needed one for Hannah too, so he started calling her Hannie Bear – A cute little Hannah.

-Of course... Give me the keys.-Hannah said and broke the hug to take keys from Alec. She opened the door and both got inside. Hannah knew that the only thing that could calm Alec the most was the music, so she turned the radio. The song was Chasing cars by Snow Patrol. They weren't saying anything the whole way, Alec was looking through the window and the song was bringing tears back in his eyes. After a few minutes of driving, Hannah stopped the car and they walked to the front door. No one was home, so Alec took the house keys and opened the door.

-Want to tell me what happened, Alz?-Hannah said after being quiet for a few minutes. Alec set down on the couch and when he told her what Magnus did, she gasped loudly.-HE DID WHAT?!

-Hannah, it hurts...-Alec cried and started sobbing quietly again. Hannah looked at him with teary eyes and set down so she could hug him. She wanted to tell him what happened to her a few days ago, that's why she went to talk to him but she realized that this wasn't the right time.

-I know... You don't deserve this... I'm so sorry.-Hannah said quietly while tears rolled down on her cheeks too. Alec hid his face in Hannah's neck and because he couldn't hold back anymore, he started sobbing loudly. It was breaking Hannah's heart to see Alec like this. Alec was the last person that deserved to be cheated on and getting heartbroken like this.

-I still... love him... and I hate myself... that I still do... be... because he broke my heart.-Alec said between sobs. After a few minutes of crying like this, Alec finally fall asleep. Hannah somehow managed to lie him on the couch and after that, she texted Magnus that they needed to talk...

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