Chapter 53

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-How are you feeling?-Izzy asked Magnus worriedly.

-I'm okay now, Isabelle. Thanks for helping me.-Magnus answered and smiled at her softly. This wasn't first panic attack, he had it twice. First was when his dad had an accident and second was when they told them in the hospital that he had passed away. First time, they were home and Julia helped him and then doctors. But he still couldn't stop attacks by himself and he was glad that Izzy was by his side to help him.

-Magnus, I'm so sorry for what I said back in the cafeteria. I actually thought that Alec would never do such a thing. I thought I knew him.-Izzy said with low voice. Magnus really didn't know what to tell her. This kiss might not seem big thing for someone, but it was big thing for Magnus and others too. First of all, Andrew was their competition and second, maybe it would start with only kiss but then turn into something else. Magnus already has lost the most important person, he doesn't want to lose another one. Magnus sighed and threw his arm around Izzy.

-You don't have to be sorry, we actually thought that we knew him.-Magnus said sadly and tears filled his eyes again. Suddenly, auditorium's door opened and Alec walked inside. Magnus could see nervousness, hurt and disappointment written all over his face.

-How is Andrew? Are you two going on a date?!-Izzy asked harshly. She was going to say something else too, but when Alec looked at her with angry eyes, she stopped.

-Isabelle, go away, right now!-Alec said coldly. Magnus and Izzy looked at him with shocked face because Alec was never talking to his siblings like that.-RIGHT NOW!

-Izzy, it's okay. We need to talk anyways.-Magnus told her softly and Izzy sighed. She got up and walked to the auditorium's door, but before leaving, she gave Alec a death glare. Alec rolled his eyes and walked to the stage. He sat down beside Magnus, who could hear in his own ears how his heart was beating. Magnus realized after a few minutes of silence, that Alec wasn't going to say anything, so he turned to look at him.

-Aren't you going to say anything? Aren't you going to try and make me understand why you kissed the boy who clearly likes you right after our fight?!-Magnus said with angry voice, but Alec could hear hurt in that anger too. He sighed and looked at Magnus.

-You know I would never do that right? I'm... We were talking, actually I was telling Andrew about our fight and suddenly, he kissed me. I don't know if you saw or not, but I did push him way after a few seconds. It lasted that long not because I liked it, because I was in shock. I would never do such a thing to you, Magnus. Not after what we have been through... Why can't you please understand that?-Alec said with shaky voice and tears filled his eyes. Not being able to making Magnus believe that he was telling the truth broke his heart. Suddenly, before Magnus could say something, a realization hit Alec like a train and his eyes got wide and stood up quickly.-You don't believe me, do you?! You don't trust me like everyone else!

-Alec, it's not lik...

-You don't trust me.-Alec said again and this time his voice broke and tears made their way down on his cheeks.-How can you possible love me if you don't even trust me? Please, don't tell me that you've been lying to me about your feelings this whole time... Please.

-NO!-Magnus shouted and Alec started sobbing.-I... I haven't been lying...

-But you still don't trust me... I can't believe it.-Alec sobbed loudly and covered his face with his hands. Magnus felt like someone punched him in the stomach when Alec took his hands away from his eyes and he saw how red Alec's eyes were. But now, Alec wasn't crying anymore, he was looking at Magnus with cold and hurt look.-I think we need a break...

-Wh... Are you... Are you breaking up with me?-Magnus asked and got up too.

-DID YOU EXPECT SOMETHING ELSE, MAGNUS?! You don't trust me, how can I be with someone who doesn't trust me?! Who thinks that I will cheat on him?! Not even my friends believe me. It wasn't very painful from them, but from you... It was heartbreaking. I... I think we should take a break and you should think about trusting me, or if you continue like this... I... I need to go.-Alec said with broken voice and ran out from the auditorium. Before closing the door, he heard sound of Magnus's sobs and it broke his heart, more than it already was.

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