Chapter 26

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Alec was so angry at Jace, he really started thinking about leaving the football time again. Being in Glee and wining competitions would be enough for him to get the scholarship. But being other than angry, he was also very hurt. "Becoming fag?" seriously? Alec also did think that Jace was homophobic, but this sentence meant that he would turn his back on his best friend, because of who he is, because of who he loves? Why didn't Chris do anything? Maybe he didn't want to lose best friends. Okay, a lot of people are homophobic, but calling a person stupid and loser, especially when you don't know them it's more wrong than calling person a fag.

Alec was so overwhelmed that he didn't even realize how he got in choir room. Alec noticed after a few minutes that he was still wearing his football clothes, so he took the bag and went to the bathroom. He put his jeans and t-shirt on and looked in the mirror. Alec was looking at his neck and he got angry, why would he hide something that felt so good? So, he took the tissue paper and started cleaning make up that Izzy put on his neck. Why was he hiding them? They looked damn good. Alec remembered that he lied to Magnus about going with Lydia at the bonfire and wish Jace could punch his in the face again. Maybe, Magnus still wants to go with him? There's only one way to find out. He was going to go to the choir room, but suddenly he heard that someone was crying in girl's bathroom. He looked around and walked inside.

-Hello?...-"Really Alec?! You're such an idiot!" He thought and decided to get out from there, but suddenly a door opened and Alec saw Hannah, who was looking at him with red and swollen eyes. She sniffed and hugged him unexpectedly and tightly.-What happened?

-Everyone hates me at this school, that's what.-Hannah said with hoarse voice and gave Alec her phone. It was showing a photo of two girls, making out. It was taken from wardrobe, it was obvious. Alec suddenly realized who were girls in photo.-Yeah, it's me and Jess Yesterday. and I have no idea who posted it. Your boyfriend walked to us while making out by the way.

-First, Magnus isn't my boyfriend, and second, someone posted this?! I thought they sent it to you!-Alec said but instead of answering, Hannah shook her head. He was going to say something again, but suddenly a school counselor, Simon's mom, Elaine aka Mrs. Lewis, walking into the restroom and looked at Alec and Hannah with wide eyes. At Alec, actually.

-Mr. Lightwood, what on the earth are you doing in girl's restroom?!-She asked with confused and angry voice. Alec answered quickly that he heard that someone was crying so he decided to see who it was. Mrs. Lewis nodded and smiled softly too, but also told him to leave restroom. They went to the choir room for a few minutes and they bell rang, it was lunch time. Hannah didn't want to go in cafeteria, because everyone thought that she was lesbian.

-Hey guys.-Rachel said when they walked closer to their table. Everyone was looking at Hannah and she was feeling very uncomfortable. Rachel, Santana, Quinn, Finn and Brittany were sitting at the table. Alec looked around and saw Izzy with Simon, Clary, Sebastian and Maia.

-I heard what happened. I'm sorry, this school is full of disgusting people, speaking from experience.-Santana said and she also told Hannah that someone posted hers and Brittany's photo too. Suddenly, Hannah saw Jessica and Justin sitting together and holding hands.

-Hannah, are you okay?...-Alec asked. She answered quietly that she needed to go and ran out from the cafeteria. Of course, everyone went to the choir room very soon. Hannah was sitting there and Mr. Schue was trying to calm her down, because she was crying loudly. After a few seconds, Alec managed to calm her and Mr. Schue wrote "Lady music week" because he also knew what happened to Hannah. Someone made her come out when she wasn't ready yet.

-I have a song for that.-Finn suddenly said and told band something. They started playing Girls just want to have fun by Cyndi Lauper. Alec smiled softly because of Finn's actions and took Hannah's hand, because she started crying again. Magnus was sitting beside Alec and it helped him realized something. He didn't want to push Magnus away anymore, why should he?

-Thank you, Finn. That was very sweet.-Hannah said and stood up.-I want to ask you something. When I was coming here, Bryce told me something very uncomfortable and I felt so... alone. I don't want to feel like that. So, I was hoping maybe you could let me join Glee, because I saw in these few days that you guys aren't just friends, you're family here and I want to be part of it...

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