Chapter 10

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Neither of them said anything for five minutes. Alec couldn't believe it. He just came out to his sister through the phone, he wasn't planning this. He wanted to tell her when he would see her, but those words just left his mouth until he could realize it.

-Does anyone else know? Anyone at school?-This was all Izzy asked, but she her voice wasn't angry, she was talking to him very softly. Alec always knew that he had nothing to worry about, Izzy would always understand him, but he was nervous that she would get little upset, because he didn't tell her sooner. Actually, he wanted Maryse to be the first to know.

-No, you're the first. I wanted to tell mom first but...-Alec said. He didn't need to finish the sentence, Izzy knew what he meant.

-So, you're not getting bullied because of that? Good, you're the last person that deserves to be bullied.-Izzy said with little sad voice and Alec felt pain in his chest. His baby sister didn't deserve to suffer in her last year in high school. She is seventeen but when they were little, they were like twins, they weren't going anywhere without them. So when Izzy heard that Alec would go to school without her, she freaked out. Maryse and Robert had to let her go to school with Alec. And she will graduate school and then will turn eighteen.

-Izzy, I will talk to mom and you will live with us. Just wait a little longer. I'm sorry that I haven't been calling you recently and today was the worst day in my entire life. After leaving you in New York of course.-Alec said and put his bowl in washing machine. He could hear It's Time by Imagine Dragons from Max's room, he was listening to it very loudly.-Oh my God, Max!

-Leave him be! If what you're saying if the reason why he's acting so weird, you shouldn't be so hard on him. Let him listen to music loudly, let him do whatever he wants and talk to him when he wants, when he'll be ready!-Izzy hissed and Alec rolled his eyes.

-What if he doesn't talk for weeks about that. I know what it's like to keep that kind of secret but what if we are wrong? What if he just misses you and New York and...

-And he stops you every time you try to talk to him about girls? Alec shut up!

-Everything is so fucked up.-Alec said and threw his head back. Izzy said something but he couldn't hear what.-What did you say?

-That you still haven't told me anything about that boy you like!-Izzy said loudly, but when she realized that Robert was still home and he might hear everything, she covered her mouth with her hand. When Alec remembered Magnus, how close they were standing, his amazing voice and eyes, his heart started beating fast.-Oh my God, you're blushing! Tell me everything!

-His name is Magnus, he's new. He's also very kind and sweet... and hot. He joined Glee club and, Izzy his dance moves will kill you! So will his British accent, he's perfect but... also straight.

-WHAT?! ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD FINALLY LIKED SOMEONE AND HE'S STRAIGHT?!-Izzy shouted loudly this time, because the room's door was closed.-Tell me you were kidding!

-I'm deadly serious! That's why I'm on bad mood. But I also meet a very sweet girl, her name is Hannah, she's bisexual. Also Philip and Lukas had a fight in a hallway, it was very...

-Jesus, Alec! You can tell me all of that when I'll come to Ohio but now tell me about that...

-Magnus, Izzy.-Alec said when he noticed that his sister didn't remember the name.-So, we've known each other for only two hours and... we almost kissed.

-WHAT?!-Izzy shouted and jumped up from the bed. Alec couldn't help but start laughing.-YOU ALMOST KISSED?! ALEC YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THAT KIND OF STUFF!

-I just did.-Alec said and Izzy rolled her eyes.

-Did you use tongue?-She asked like an innocent puppy. Alec's eyes got wide when he heard those words. Now it was Izzy's turn to laugh like a crazy.-What?

-No, Izzy we didn't even kiss! We were standing very close but then he walked back like I was a psychopath.-Alec said and Izzy rolled her eyes.-He's straight! He was just confused because of...

-Because of your sexiness? Wake up Alec! It's 21th century! Even our baby brother is gay, and people in high school can be attracted to both, men and women. Maybe you're bi too...

-Eww, no! Every time I see a girl's ass, I would rather hold spider for five minutes, when to sleep with her or even kiss her! No! I'm 100 percent gay! Everything but straight or bisexual!

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