Chapter 7

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Alec was thinking about Philip's words the entire lesson. It's good for him that everyone thinks like that, but it's also exhausting. Being someone you're not and have to be that someone, because you're afraid what people full of hate will do to you...

If Izzy was here, he would tell her but she's 860 kilometers away from him. He's not sure if Jace and Chris understand because of other jocks, Max is too little and probably he doesn't even know what the word "gay" means. His mom will understand, but she might tell Robert, who just hates gay people like there's something disgusting. But for Robert they are.

Maryse will come home early from hospital today, she will be exhausted from surgeries and saving people, but Alec needs to tell someone. Maybe if someone knows, he won't be afraid that no one will understand, other than people who are like him. Suddenly, Alec remembered what Hannah told her - "we're playing on same team". What does that mean? Hannah is gay too? He needs to talk to her. What if Hannah needs to talk to someone too.

As soon as he heard the bell's sound, he practically ran out from the class to find Hannah. He had no idea what lesson she had or where to find her. Jocks would know, but Alec doesn't want to talk to them. He has the feeling, like if he talks to them, they will find out about his sexuality and will make his life a living hell.

Alec isn't ashamed of who he is. Why would he be? He was born like this, this is who he is, and he can't change it and even if he had a chance, he wouldn't. Why would you hide and change who you are because someone doesn't like you? Because they don't understand that the world is changing and they're still stuck in 15th century? They're using religion to justify their actions, that are full of hate, but hate doesn't come from religion. They think that hating people, calling them words that make them uncomfortable will change who they are? They think that others will be proud of them for what they're doing? They think that God will be proud? He's telling you to love each other, accept each other, not to kill or make them want to kill themselves and you're doing the exactly opposite because of their sexuality or because of color of their skin?!

-Alec! Alec, are you there?!-He was pulled back to earth, when someone shouted his name. He realized that he was standing in auditorium and he had no idea how he get there. Then he looked who was standing in front of him and his heart skipped a beat.

-Yes... What are you doing here?-Alec asked and Magnus laughed a little bit.

-It's auditorium, people who are singing or dancing are coming here when they have free time. And usually jocks don't even know what auditorium looks like. So may I ask what are you doing here?-Magnus said and went to stage. Alec sighed and set down beside him on stage.

-Oh my God, auditorium is huge from here. And you're still able do dance and sing when so many people are watching?!-Alec asked amazed when he saw what it looked like from stage.

-Dance, mostly. I don't sing. What about you? Only football?-Magnus asked.

-No, I sing. I'm not as good as Lady Gaga but... I only sing when no one is watching, otherwise I get nervous. Well, sometimes I sing with my baby brother Max.-Alec answered.

-Lady Gaga? Wow, I'm impressed Alexander.-Alec hates when someone is calling him with his full name, but hearing Magnus say it... it was different, he liked it.-Let's say our favorite Lady Gaga song in 3... 2... 1... Born this way.

-Born this way!-They said together and started laughing.-What can I say. It's very meaningful song. Actually I was looking for Hannah and I have no idea how I get here.

-Maybe, because faith wants you to show me how talented you are...-Magnus said with puppy eyes, hoped that it would work, but Alec shook his head quickly.-Please! Please! Please!

-I don't sing...-Alec said and Magnus rolled his eyes.

-You literally said a few seconds ago that you sing! Lying is bad, Alexander.-Magnus said and got up.-I will sing if you sing. Please, no one is here and plus, you can't be worse than me.

- Fine! But I'm choosing the song!-Alec couldn't say no to these cute puppy eyes. Magnus clapped his hands like a five years old kid. Alec took his phone and tuned on This is me from The Greatest Showman. Magnus was wrong, he has an amazing voice. When they finished singing, they were both breathless, because it was a very hard song. Suddenly they were standing very close to each other...

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