Chapter 62

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As soon as Alec closed the door of the choir room, he started sobbing loudly. It felt like someone had hands on his throat and he couldn't breathe anymore. He could feel how his heart was broken in thousand pieces and he had no idea if he could ever manage to put them back together.

Magnus wasn't in a better situation either. He hated himself. He hated himself for hurting the one person he loved most in this world. At first, he lost his mom, and now, he lost Alec. After he did what he did, he couldn't look anyone in the eye. Not Jace, not Quinn, not Hannah. He was ashamed of what he had done. Magnus couldn't even look at Steve, and he couldn't either.

Steve hated himself for two reasons – First, breaking Izzy's heart and second, for being a reason why Alec was now heartbroken. He was looking for Jace and Clary, when he accidently saw how Alec ran out from the choir room with broken look on his face. When he started sobbing loudly, Steve realized that Magnus had told him the truth. All he wanted was to go back in time and stop himself and Magnus from doing something very stupid, but unfortunately, he couldn't do that. They both had to face the consequences of their actions, but sadly the consequence was Alec's broken heart. Suddenly, something orange ran in front of Steve.

Alec was still standing next to choir room, not even having a strength to walk to boy's bathroom and continue crying there, when suddenly something orange ran and bumped into him accidently. Thanks to the Angel, the wall was right there, otherwise Alec would fall down.

-Al... Alec, I'm... sorry.-Clary breathed out those words and looked at Alec with red and swollen eyes. Her eyes got huge, when he saw that Alec was like her.-What happened?

-What happened?-They asked at the same time. Alec sighed and set down on the hallway floor, he didn't care that his pants would get dirty. Clary did the same and after a few minutes of silence, Alec started talking.-Magnus... He... when I was gone... He cheated on me... with Steve.

-WHAT?-Clary gasped and looked at him horrified.-Tell me you're joking.

-I wish I was, Fray. I wish I was.-Alec whispered and when he closed his eyes, he felt hot tears down on his cheeks again. It took Clary a few minutes to realize that Alec wasn't joking, but she still couldn't believe. Magnus and cheating? It's impossible, he would never break Alec's heart like that, he loves him so much... But, isn't that what she thought about Jace? She couldn't think about anything else than to throw her arms around Alec and hug him tightly.-You?

-I... Jace and I... We broke up... He told me the truth.-Clary said and looked down.

-Truth? What truth?-Alec had no idea what truth she was talking about, but he wasn't dumb not to realize that this was the topic that Jace was fighting with boys after a big game.

-It was all a lie. He only started talking and dating me just because he wanted to prove to guys that his charm still worked on girls. I was so stupid and naïve. A boy like Jace Herondale would never want to be with a girl like me.-Clary said. Suddenly, before Alec could say anything to her, Mr. Schue came out from nowhere and looked at them with shocked face.

-What happened? Are you two okay?-He asked and kneeled in front of them.

-No, Magnus cheated on me with Steve while I was in New York with my family.-Alec said.

-No, Jace lied to be in love with me to prove something to his friend.-When Mr. Schue realized what they said, his eyes got huger than before.

-I... I don't even know what to say. Clary, I'm so sorry... You don't deserve that. And Alec, if you don't want to sing with Magnus, I understand. I can tell someone else to do it.

-No, it's okay. I just don't know if I can sing happy love song with him...-Alec said.

-What if you four sing sad love song together?-Mr. Schue said after a few minutes of thinking. They decided that Alec, Magnus, Jace and Clary would sing The Scientist by Coldplay. After what boys had done, this was a least they could do. They agreed who would sing what part and after a few minutes, they went on a stage. The whole performance, Magnus was looking at Alec and Jace was looking at Clary. Even jury could realize that something was wrong between them.

-I think, something happened between that two boys and that boy and girl. They've been looking at each other the whole performance...-A young woman said and then a man spoke.

-And I can see in tall boy's and redhead's eyes that they are heartbroken... Very heartbroken.  

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