Chapter 41

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Alec wasn't looking at anyone or anything, he was running as fast as he could to locker room. But he still could see clearly that there was blood on the floor, and two man were putting someone's body in plastic bag. Alec almost had a heart attack when he thought that he could've been Magnus, because Izzy was him in locker room before shooting, maybe he went to find Alec? But he could breathe properly again, when he saw that one boy was wearing a letterman jacket, and another one had almost white hair. Alec wanted to stop and see who were the boys, but only person he could think of at the moment was Magnus. He ran into the locker room and the first person he saw was Clary, she and Izzy got very close in these few days, then Kurt and Rachel, and at last Salinas and Jace.

-Alec!-Rachel shouted and she and Kurt ran to him. Alec opened his arms and hugged Rachel and Kurt tightly, not caring who saw, there was a shooting a few minutes ago!

-Where are others? Is Finn okay?-Kurt said quickly and wiped the tears from his face. Alec nodded and said that everyone, including Finn and Puck were outside and it was safe for them to go there too. They smiled at him and ran outside when Alec walked to Jace, Salinas and Clary. Coach was standing beside them and he was checking if any of boys were hurt or shot.

-Alec.-Jace sighed in relief and Alec looked at him with confused face, when Jace hugged him like it was the end of the world.-I'm so sorry for being an ass. I... When the shooting started all I could think was that shooter would storm into the room and kill us all, but the worst part was that I could never tell you that no matter who you love or what you love to do, even if it includes you dancing and singing in Glee club, I will always love you and I will always care for you. I'm sorry Alec, please forgive me. I want my best friend back. I've missed you...

-I... I've missed you too, but I'm not sorry for punching you!-Alec said and felt how Jace laughed. They broke the hug and looked at each other with teary eyes, then Jace asked him if he knew where Chris was.-He... He got shot. In the hallway, in front of the choir room, Finn and Mr. Schue carried him outside, but I think he will survive. Where's Magnus? Izzy told me that she saw him right before shooting started.

-He didn't come to the choir room?-Clary said with shaking voice and Alec looked at her with confused and scared face.-He went to find you Alec, when that two minute shooting started, we couldn't stop him, not even coach, he ran out like a crazy and went to look for you.

-Oh no, no!-Alec whispered and without saying anything else, he ran out from the locker room. He ran on third floor, on forth, he checked every classroom and bathroom but he still couldn't find him anywhere. Tears made their way down on his cheeks again and Alec decided to go outside, maybe he was there. He ran down on the stairs and started looking around like a lost puppy in the schoolyard. Alec saw Maryse and Izzy, hugging each other, crying their eyes out and not noticing that Alec was there too, he also saw Chris's mom sitting in the ambulance car beside him and Quinn. Rachel was with Finn and Kurt with Blaine. He also saw Philip, sitting on the bench, covered his face with his hands and sobbing loudly, while his mom was trying to calm him. Alec wanted to ask him what happen and he was also going to walk to Magnus's mom and ask him if she saw him, but suddenly he felt hand on his arm.

-Alexander...-It was Magnus. Alec turned around quickly and sighed in relief when he saw that Magnus wasn't shot. He threw his arms around him and hugged him as tightly as possible.

-Magnus, I thought... I thought you...-Alec tried to finish the sentence, but a sob escaped his lips and he just couldn't. He took a deep breath and looked into Magnus's eyes.-Look, Magnus, I've never felt this type of fear in my entire life, not even then when our old house burned down to the ground in New York and I was stuck there. I was terrified when I thought that I might've lost you. That I could never see you, hug you, or kiss you, or make you laugh. But the thing that most terrified me was that, I might never have the chance to tell you how much I love you.

-Alexander... I was frightened to death too when I thought that I would never have a chance to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you.-Magnus said and wiped Alec's tears away. Alec, still not caring who saw, grabbed the collar of Magnus's shirt and crashed their lips together. They heard how everyone gasped, including Magnus's mom...

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