Chapter 12

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-I wanted to talk to you about Izzy and Max too.-Alec said and put the plate in the dishwasher. Maryse looked at him with confused look.-Nothing bad but I think Izzy is not very happy in New York and I was thinking, what if we go and take her here, in Ohio?

-Alec, it's not that simple and plus... I don't think if we have enough money.-Maryse said with embarrassed voice. She wanted her baby girl back, but it was very hard to earn enough money for two kids, and now third one...

-I know, I know. But what if I get a job? I'm eighteen and I will help you. I... I just really miss her, she's my baby sister and I know that she doesn't want to be in New York...-Alec wasn't sure if he should tell her about Robert...

-But, it's not only that. What's going on?-Maryse said and they walked to living room. There was silence in house, which means that Max is doing his homework. Alec and Maryse set down on the couch and Alec inhaled deeply.

-Dad started drinking, again. And Izzy is getting bullied at school.-Alec said and Maryse looked at him like he said that donkeys could fly.

-What? My little girl is getting bullied?! Why didn't she tell me?-Maryse said with worrying voice and covered her face with her hands.

-She knows that you're working very hard and she doesn't want to be a burden... I told her that she would never be a burden and I would talk to you about her living in Ohio with us. Please mom, I will do everything but I can't wake up everyday and live my life when I know that my little sister is not happy and she's getting bullied at school.-Alec almost begged and Maryse looked at him with teary eyes. They weren't saying anything for a few minutes, but then Maryse exhaled, stood up and after wiping her tears, looked at Alec with confident face.

-I'm going to talk to Robert, and we will go to New York, but only you and me. Max will see Izzy here. If he really started drinking again, I can't let Izzy be with him anymore. But Alec... you have to know that this isn't going to be as easy as you think it will be. You are in High school, you need to study to get to college. If your grades will not be as good as they are now, you will leave the work and you will study twice harder, do you hear me?!

-Yes, mom. I know but I'm going to do it. I will get to college and I will also help you.-Alec smiled softly and you could see in Maryse's eyes how proud she was of her son.

-I better call Robert now, but weren't going to talk to me about Max too?-Alec thought maybe Max didn't want Maryse to know yet, so he just shook his head.

-It's okay, I'll tell you that later, but right now I have to tell you something else... It's about one boy I met today at school.-As soon as Maryse heard those words, her eyes lit up.

-Oh my God, I like this story already. What is his name? is he handsome?-She said with exited voice and set down next to Alec again.-Come on, tell me everything.

-His name is Magnus, I met him in auditorium... Well actually in schoolyard but yeah, we officially met in auditorium. Yes, he's very handsome and he's also an amazing dancer and singer. It looked like we were friends but then I screwed everything up...

-What did you do?-Maryse asked horrified.

-We were singing, don't ask why, you already know that I don't sing but I did. Then we were standing very close to each other, you were going to kiss, but he walked back very quickly...

And Mr. Schue almost saw us.

-And why do you think that you screw everything up? It was him who walked back.

-But I was the one who was going to kiss him and then I just ran out from auditorium. I was scared to look at him. Actually, I was scared if someone would find out.-Alec answered.

-It's totally normal to be scared of coming out but running out without making things clear with him, really was a mistake. Talk to him when you see him again, maybe he likes you back.

-I doubt that, and even if anymore really liked me here, they would never admit it...

-Don't be so sure. There's nothing wrong with you and if he likes you, he will tell you.

-I hope. I also met very sweet girl, Hannah. And I think Mr. Schue will tell me to join Glee. Don't get me wrong, I really want to, but I'm afraid what will jocks think. But I might think about it.

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