Chapter 45

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-I do believe your correct...-Alec smirked as desire started to flow through his eyes. Magnus smirked and ran his hands up Alec shirt fully, urging him to take it off. Alec obeyed and lifted, taking his shirt of quickly and lightly tossing it. Magnus giggled and let their lips connect in a lust filled kiss. The pace of the kiss quickened as Alec moved his hands up Magnus' shirt, tracing his abs and admiring the warm feel of him. Magnus released the kiss and lifted, taking off his shirt. He moved back down, this time to his neck. He sucked and bit, leaving small marks that formed into dark purple bruises. Alec moaned, rubbing his body and pushing his hip to Magnus, his need for friction intense on his body. Magnus groaned, pushing his hips down into Alec's.

-Mm... M-Magnus...-Alec moaned out, the bulge in his pants only getting bigger which caused painful friction from his clothing. He trembled as Magnus found more sensitive areas on his neck, causing him to moan more. Magnus smirked on his neck at his reaction, letting his hand down his chest. Alec shivered at his touches, Magnus moving his hand to his pants. He unbuttoned his pant, unzipping as well. He slide his hand under his pants, pulling them down. A sigh of relief came out of Alec when his panted were down, the decrease in painful friction satisfying. Magnus looked at him, asking for permission. They weren't ready to go all the way but they both knew their limits, and they both wanted each other. Alec gave him a desperate nod. Alec granted permission, Magnus sat up, pulling down his pants as well. Magnus' bulge was just as visible as Alec, Alec biting the inside of his lip at the sight. Magnus climb back over him, laying his hips on Alec's and slightly pushing down. He captured his lips again in a lust filled kiss, rolling his hips into Alec's. Alec moaned in the kiss, spreading his legs out a bit which gave Magnus more room on him. He slowly began to pick up sped, their erections rubbing together with intense friction. He kissed him as he rolled, the rolling turning into grinding. After a few of this, Magnus broke the kiss and stopped his grinding.

-Can I... take you boxers off?" He asked both softly and huskily, wanting what they were doing to feel better to both of them. Alec blushed and nodded.

-Yes...-Alec breathed out, him pushing his hips up to Magnus. Magnus nodded and sat up, pulling Alec's boxers down slowly. He swallowed at the sight of Alec, smirking a bit. After he pulled down his boxers, getting back over top of him. Magnus kissed his jawline, cheek and neck as he let their now naked bodies lay together, the feeling causing both of them to moan in unison. Magnus move to his lips, kissing as he started to grind down into him again. Their member rubbed together, them both hardening to a full. Magnus grabbed one of Alec's hands and held it the other gripping his waist, kissing him with love and lust, their desire for each other only increasing. Alec was a moaning mess at this point, spreading his legs out the best he could and buckling his hips up to Magnus. Magnus only increased speed and roughness, groaning at the friction. Alec threw his head back, gripping the sheets with his free hand. He moaned loudly but quiet enough to not draw attention to them. They were both in complete bliss, releasing coming closer as they continued. Magnus let himself grind hard into Alec, keeping his eyes closed and his head down.

-Fuck..." Alec began to tremble, his thigh shaking at some of Magnus' movement. The normal heat and impatient feeling came around as he felt his orgasm boil in his stomach.-M-Magnus.. I... I'm c-close.

He breathed out in a stutter, his grip on the sheets and Magnus' hand tightened. Magnus took note as he felt the same feeling in his stomach, both their need to cum intense. Magnus continued, kissing his neck. Alec eyes rolled back as he arched his back, moaning and whimpering loudly. He came, releasing on to his bed as Magnus continued to grind through his orgasm. Though it wasn't much longer till Magnus released too. He moaned and whimpered as Alec, falling on top of him as he lost balance. He tightened his grip on Alec hand as well, his other hand moving from his waist and gripped the sheets. They both panted, coming down from their highs slowly as they whimpered. Both kept their eyes closed as the need for rest came upon them.

-Magnus...-Alec was in both bliss and shock. He felt amazing and all he wanted to do was cuddle Magnus. Magnus smirked, feeling the same as Alec. After a minute, Magnus broke the silence.

-We should clean up...-Magnus whispered, not wanting to move. Alec nodded and Magnus got up, telling Alec to stay. He went to the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel, wetting it. He came back out after cleaning himself, cleaning Alec for him. Alec thanked him with a smiled and Magnus smiled back, them both exhausted. Magnus climb back into Alec bed and was greet quickly with Alec wrapping around him. He cuddled close to him, wrapping his legs with Magnus and curling up on him.

-I love you... So much, more than myself, I guess.-Alec said, his voice full of love.

-I love you too... I couldn't imagine that I would ever feel this kind of love for someone, especially boy, but then you showed up and... Well, here we are. I promise, I will do everything in my power for you to be happy, I will never break your heart. I promise...

(A big thank you to twipackskywolf for writing this chapter, because I'm too innocent and shy to write something like this yet. Let's appreciate his amazing imagination in smut.)

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