Chapter 47

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-Oh, come on Alec. Please, don't you love me? Do this for me! Please, please, please!-Magnus said and looked at Alec with those big lost puppy eyes.

-No, no way! I do love you, but still no!-Alec said again and continued shaking his head. Magnus rolled his eyes and suddenly an evil idea came into his mind. He didn't know if this would work on Alec, but it always worked on his parents. He sighed sadly and looked down at the bathroom floor. Alec looked at him with shocked face when he heard a little whimper from Magnus. He made him look into his eyes and Alec saw that Magnus was crying.-Why are you crying?

-You know very damn well why! I'm asking you one thing and you aren't doing that! Do you even love me! If you do, you would do this or me!-Magnus cried and Alec just could say no.

-OKAY! I WILL LET YOU PUT GLITTERS ON ME!-He shouted, but not angrily. Magnus stopped crying as soon as he heard those words and literally jumped on Alec.

-YEYYY!!! I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST!-Magnus continued shouting until Alec stopped him.

-Come on, put that things in my hair before I change my mind.-Alec said and put Magnus down. He told Alec to sit down so he could be able to reach his head. Magnus put glitters in his boyfriend's hair, then he kneeled in front of him so he could put them on Alec's eyelids too, but when Alec realized what Magnus was up to, he got up so quickly, he almost gave floor a hug.-Oh Alec, come on! Let me put these little guys on your eyelids, or I will get jealous of that guy.

-First, his name is Andrew. Second, no need to be jealous, I don't like him that way. And third, you will not put that stuff on my eyes! There is no way in hell!-Alec said and looked at Magnus with winner's face. Magnus rolled his eyes and without saying anything, he turned around to look into the mirror and finish getting ready. Alec knew him so well, that he could tell that he was upset. Alec also knew what would help him Magnus not to be mad at him anymore. He smirked wickedly and walked closer to him. Alec stood behind him, he placed his hand on Magnus's hips and brought his mouth close to his ear.

-Forgive me?-He whispered and felt how Magnus shivered when he felt Alec's hot breath on his ear. Of course, he didn't say anything, so Alec started kissing Magnus's neck. Suddenly, he heard how Magnus inhaled deeply and whispered something. Alec smiled again, he took his hand from Magnus's hip and placed it on Magnus's dick. He almost gasped from shock, when he felt how hard Magnus was. Alec now started moving his hand up and down. Slowly.

-Alec... If you don't st... stop... I will have to... change my pants.-Magnus closed his eyes and breathed out those words. Alec didn't stop, this is what he wanted.-Alec! I'm gonna cum!

-Then do it, no one is stopping you. By the way, you are very hot when you're screaming my name while you're coming.-Alec whispered again and Magnus just couldn't hold back anymore.

-How did you managed to make me come when you didn't even slide your hand in my underwear?-Magnus breathed out, but not really asking the question. Alec laughed and walked out from the bathroom so Magnus would clean up. After ten minutes they were ready to go...

-WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE?!-Suddenly Izzy shouted. They've been drinking and dancing for about two hours and Alec couldn't think straight anymore. He was way too drunk, but so were Magnus, Andrew and others. Izzy put the bottle on the floor and spun it.

-Come here nerd!-Jace said and winked at Simon. He was also too drunk to realize what he was doing. After Simon's and Jace's hot make out, Izzy spun the bottle again and this time Magnus had to kiss Quinn. Suddenly, bottle stopped and Alec burst out laughing, so did Blaine.

-Okay, blondie... I'm gonna rock your world!-Alec shouted and made his way to Andrew. It was just a little kiss at the beginning, but then it turned into a make out session. Alec even placed his hand on Andrew's thigh, and he tangled his hand in Alec's hair. They could hear how everyone laughing from behind, everyone except Magnus.

-Wanna sing?-Andrew whispered when they broke the kiss. Alec nodded with laughed and they both got up. They went on the little stage and Andrew turned on Don't you want me by The Human League. Boys were singing, dancing and laughing at the same time and Magnus was sitting on the floor, looking at Andrew with That's-my-boyfriend-bitch face.

-Don't you want me, baby?!-Boys finished singing and Alec noticed how close they were standing. They were looking in each other's eyes, before busting out laughing, again...

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