Chapter 60

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*Three days later*

-Hey, Hannah, we will be there!... Yes, we won't be late... HANNAH, WE WILL BE THERE IN 30 MINUTES!-Alec was talking to Hannah while walking in his room, and Magnus was lying on the bed looking at him. He couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing when Alec shouted at Hannah and hung up.-I swear, she can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

-Yes, but she's still your best friend. I can say that about Quinn too.-Magnus laughed a little and closed the laptop.-Math is also pain in the ass.

-Ughh, don't remind me. I think I won't be able to graduate just because of Math.-Alec rolled his eyes and lied down next to Magnus. He gasped when he realized what Alec had said and look at him with wide eyes.-Why are you looking me like that?

-Why didn't you tell me? I might not know much but I think I could still help you.-Magnus said and sit up to look at Alec better.-You remember our plans right?

-Of course, I remember our plans. Graduating, then going to New York with Jace and Simon, live in my house because my dad will be here, wait for Izzy and Clary but still do something. Simon getting in NYADA and becoming singer, Jace playing football, and you and I working in Vogue. You becoming designer and I becoming model, of course I remember.-Alec said and placed his hand on Magnus's cheek.-You don't need to worry, I will do everything in my power to get my grades up, graduate, live with you, then get married and have children...

-You think about our future too?-Magnus asked with a big smile and looked at Alec, who blushed like a crazy.-Oh my god, I love you so much.

Magnus felt guilty saying those words after what he has done. He wanted to tell Alec so badly, but he was afraid of losing him. He was terrified of losing Alec. Alec looked at Magnus with heart shaped eyes and big grin on his face. They were looking each other like this for a few seconds, then Alec moved closer and smashed their lips together. Magnus moaned in kiss and let Alec to get on top of him. Before things could get more heated then they already were, Alec phone rung. He groaned in annoyance and answered.

-Hannah, what the hell do you want?!-Alec shouted and got up. Magnus couldn't hear what Hannah answered but after a few seconds Alec hung up and rolled his eyes.

-Is everything okay?-Magnus asked and got up too.

-Yes, they just wanted to make sure that we didn't change out mind about singing Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.-Alec answered. Magnus and Alec were going to sing duet at first, Alec chose this song, because he thought that it was perfect for them and then everyone would sing Somebody To Love by Queen. Suddenly, Magnus felt a big lump in his throat. Even though he didn't want to lose Alec, he couldn't keep lying to him anymore. He had to face consequences of his actions. He deserved to suffer because of what he has done.

-Alec... Um... Can you listen to me?-Magnus said with shaky voice which caused Alec to get worry, but he nodded. Magnus took his hand to dragged him in the living room. He made Alec sit down on the couch that was in front of piano. Magnus tried to swallow a lump in his throat and set down in front of the piano.

-Mags, you're scaring me, what's going on?-Alec asked and Magnus saw confusion and panic in his eyes. He hated himself when he realized that in a few minutes, that confusion and panic would turn into hate. Hate towards to Magnus.

-Um... I just want to... tell you that, I... I feel awful because of this. I'm sorry Alec, I really am.-Magnus said with shaky voice and started playing Teenage Dream, but slowed version. He sung this song to apologize to Alec the first time he made the biggest mistake.

-We can dance until we die, you and I will be young forever,
You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream...-Alec got more confused because Magnus's voice broke when he sung this moment, but he still wasn't asking anything, he was waiting for Magnus to finish apologizing for something that Alec had no idea what was about.

-I... I need to go.-Magnus cried and before Alec could realize, he got up and ran out from the house. Alec was sitting there and still couldn't realize what had just happened.

(KLAINEE, anyone?? Yeah, I stole this moment from them and I think y'all already guessed what Magnus did soo...)

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